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A.Omidi's user avatar
A.Omidi's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

weight choice in multi-objective weighted sum

2 votes

Assembly line balancing: What does machine precedence mean?

2 votes

Any good MIP LaTeX template?

2 votes

Job Shop Scheduling: what objectives are harder?

2 votes

Quantifying a measure of standard deviation in MILP

2 votes

Converting continuous variable dict to binary variables in python docplex

2 votes

Partial Lagrangian in the Max-Flow problem

2 votes

How to create a transportation model with preferences

2 votes

MIP constraint with sum of decision variables having certain value : $\sum_{i=1}^nx_i = 2 \implies \delta = 1$

2 votes

Directed trees and the order/score of each node in the tree

2 votes

Problem similar to job shop

2 votes

How to approach this shifts problem with Excel Solver?

1 vote

How do I model a precedence constraint?

1 vote

Modeling an assembly line as a batch processing $M/D^{(b,b)}/r$ queue

1 vote

What happens to the dual and primal feasibility when a constraint is removed after finding an optimal solution?

1 vote

Modelling with Gurobi-Python a Supply Chain Problem

1 vote

"Re-optimize" feature in Commercial Optimization

1 vote

Updating constraint set rhs in docplex

1 vote

Understanding reduced costs and dual values

1 vote

Separation oracle gives optimisation

1 vote

Maintaining Pair Preference that is neutral at outset

1 vote

Is there a name for this variation of the generalized assignment problem?

1 vote

Using PULP to model machines in a factory

1 vote

Linearization the product of three variables (two binary & one continuous)

1 vote

Fixing binary variables in an Binary Integer Program

1 vote

How to compute all paths between two given nodes in a network?

1 vote

How to input this LP model of a buffer allocation problem in Gurobi?

1 vote

Strengths and weaknesses of some Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods

1 vote

How to verify the correctness of forecast?

1 vote

Optimality guarantees/approximation ratios for simple dynamic capacitated lot-sizing problems

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