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26 votes
5 answers

What's the current status of the Vehicle Routing Problem in the logistics industry?

After a bit of reading I think I've been able to conclude that state-of-the-art VRP can get solutions for 100~500 stops. My question is around how this actually affects logistics (like Amazon for ...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

VRP book recommendations

I am looking for a book recommendation on the VRP and variants. I am encountering VRP-like problems more and more in my work and would appreciate a reference.
Ralph Asher's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Multi Commodity VRP Time Windows Paper

I have been wondering is there any paper that who discuss multi commodity with four index/indices like this formulation below: $$ \begin{gathered} \sum_{k} \sum_{c} F_{j, j, c, k}=1 \quad \forall j \\ ...
overboxed's user avatar
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2 votes
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Preprocessing Time Windows Width in Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)

I think my model takes much time because the time windows width given the problem i want to solve. Here is the time matrix: ...
overboxed's user avatar
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