Linked Questions

20 votes
3 answers

Variable bounds in column generation

Consider the set covering problem \[ \begin{align} \min&\ \sum_{j=1}^nc_jx_j\\ s.t.:&\ \sum_{j=1}^na_{ij}x_j\geq 1,\quad \forall i=1,\dots,m\\ &\ 0\leq x_j \leq 1 \end{align} \] ...
Djames's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Obtaining optimality gaps when using hybrid exact-heuristic approaches to vehicle routing problems

I'm starting to read about column generation-based approaches to vehicle routing problems (VRP). Let's say that I want to solve very large instances of an intricate VRP, I'm not looking to always ...
vulpith's user avatar
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10 votes
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Integer column generation without branch & price

Consider the following situation. I have an integer program which I want to solve using column generation. After a suitable decomposition, the master problem has decision variables that select the ...
pele's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to improve a column generation algorithm

I have been busy the last few weeks implementing this model with Column Generation in Gurobi and then solving it. The whole thing is now working quite well and I have also run a few calculation ...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Help with formulating the objective function of my subproblem

i have a pretty basic question regarding column generation. I have the following scheduling problem i would like to solve with column generation: \begin{align} &\min\sum_{t}^{}\sum_{s}^{}slack_{ts}...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Best approach to initialize column generation

I was wondering what the typical approaches are for generating an initial solution for the first column in a COlumn Generation approach and which usually work best and are easiest to implement (Gurobi)...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Gurobi - Problem with adding a non-linear constraint to a column object

I have implemented the following Column Generation model in Gurobi. Unfortunately, I currently have the problem that the constraint in the master problem is not linear and therefore I cannot add the ...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Implementing column generation in SAS

I am currently trying to implement this model in SAS. Unfortunately, I always get this error. How can I solve this and finally get the final roster $x$ and the total value of $slack_{ts}$ (preferably ...
nflgreaternba's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to decompose a specific constraint in the sub-problem?

Suppose there is a specific constraint as follows to impose the precedence relation between the tasks: $$ \sum_{m \in M} m.x_{j,m} \leq \sum_{m \in M} m.x_{k,m} \quad \forall (j,k) \in T $$ I want to ...
A.Omidi's user avatar
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Adding additional coordinating constraint to a decomposed model

As suggested by @RobPratt, here is the new opened question. I have these decomposed master and subproblems: \begin{align} &\text{minimize} &\sum_t \sum_s \text{slack}_{ts} \\ &\text{...
nflgreaternba's user avatar