I am solving an OR scheduling problem where I assign the patient to (day,OR) tuple in Master Problem. Once the assignment is made, a subproblem can be solved for each (day,OR) tuple independently where patients are assigned to a time slot t. A cost of overtime is incurred if OR is occupied beyond a certain time slot.
It is ensured in the master problem that the assignment to each OR,day tuple is feasible. Thus, the subproblems are always feasible.
The benders cut added is of the form
Using this form, I add a cut for each (day,OR) tuple, if $$\phi(x^*)_{dk} > \sigma^*_{dk}$$ This cut essentially ensures that the solution is not repeated or the solution that is found is at least >= M (Lower Bound).
The cuts added from the relaxation of SP are valid for the original problem. However, is that the case when you further separate the problem as I have done before? Can I add the cuts from LP relaxation for each (OR,day) tuple?
I ask this question because I obtain the solution only when I have integer cuts of the form above, however, the lower bound is violated when I include the cuts from SP relaxation. Under what condition the cuts from LP relaxation are valid?