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Optimization team
  • Member for 3 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

How to install Ipopt on Google Colab for Pyomo?

4 votes

Common problems/puzzles that can creatively be solved with linear programming?

3 votes

How can we write a binary variable as a power to a constant number?

3 votes

Knapsack - How to optimize bonuses for each pair of items

3 votes

Graph Theory problem

3 votes

How to create constraint-equations in Pyomo with empty set inputs

2 votes

How to round values in Pyomo

2 votes

Why do we need SCED in addition to SCUC in RTO/ISO electricity markets?

2 votes

Scheduling optimisation constraint on consecutive shifts & consecutive night shifts (`python`)

2 votes

How to assign values from a list of dictionaries to a 2-dimensional parameter in Pyomo

2 votes

Write constraints with relationship sets in Pyomo

1 vote

Google-OR Tools: Assignment minimizing overlapping members

1 vote

How to solve Rogo Puzzle with an extra constraint?

1 vote

Generation capacity adequacy assessment - intuition behind two state model

1 vote

GAMS Sum over a subset

1 vote

In pyomo, any reason for using "model.<nameofvariable>" throughout the code instead of doing "<nameofvariable> = model.<nameofvariable>" and using it?

1 vote

Gurobi does not work any more in Pyomo after getting a new license

1 vote

Why my mutable parameter does not update in Pyomo?

0 votes

Finding the longest snake on a grid

0 votes

Scheduling next shift such its not within X hours of previous shift

-2 votes

GAMS summing over subset