I need to use Pyomo with Ipopt solver on Google-Colab.
In order to install it I did as follows:
Now I need to use it , I get the following error ? ApplicationError: No executable found for solver 'ipopt'
How can I resolve it ?
The following package installation should be done before staring the Pyomo model
!pip install pyomo
from pyomo.environ import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
!wget -N -q "https://matematica.unipv.it/gualandi/solvers/ipopt-linux64.zip"
!unzip -o -q ipopt-linux64
Then you can run your NLP model
model = AbstractModel()
model.x = Var(bounds=(0,1.2), within=Reals)
model.obj1 = Objective(expr=model.x**2, sense=maximize)
#opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
opt=SolverFactory('ipopt', executable='/content/ipopt')
instance = model.create_instance()
results = opt.solve(instance) # solves and updates instance
print('OF= ',value(instance.obj1))
If your notebook could be executed both on Colab or on a different environment (such as a local Jupyter notebook), you could add a couple of checks, before downloading and reinstalling pyomo
and ipopt
every time, as follows:
import shutil
import sys
import os.path
if not shutil.which("pyomo"):
!pip install -q pyomo
if not (shutil.which("ipopt") or os.path.isfile("ipopt")):
if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
!wget -N -q "https://matematica.unipv.it/gualandi/solvers/ipopt-linux64.zip"
!unzip -o -q ipopt-linux64
!conda install -c conda-forge ipopt
NOTE: I have modified the link to ipopt-linux64.zip on Feb. 22nd, 2023. Older binaries of IpOpt are available at COIN-OR
Thanks to Stefano Coniglio and Pietro Belotti for the support on this.
NOTE 2: Since it was asked in a comment, you can install GLPK as follows:
if not (shutil.which("glpk") or os.path.isfile("glpk")):
if "google.colab" in sys.modules:
!apt-get install -y -qq glpk-utils
!conda install -c conda-forge glpk
For other solvers, the process is quite similar (e.g., for CBC).
[ipopt-linux64.zip] End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of ipopt-linux64 or ipopt-linux64.zip, and cannot find ipopt-linux64.ZIP, period.
Jun 21, 2023 at 5:27
I found a link that works for installing the solver on windows, i dont know if that will help, but here it is :