I'm trying to solve an rcpsp model.
I can't find documentation for the AddCumulative function of or-tools. How should be used this function? i want to do this constraint: $\forall$ k $\in R$, $cumulative(s, p, [r_{jk}|j\in J, R_{k}])$ (s is my decision variable, a vector that saves the period of when the job begins), but the or-tools apparently takes only one argument, but i've seen some examples where it takes 3. Actually if i give the function the parameter rhs, wich is the resource capacity (what is asking for), i get this error:
no matching function for call to ‘operations_research::sat::CpModelBuilder::AddCumulative(int*&)’
In addition, the commnad prompt says that rhs must be IntVar but is int. So, my question is, what is the capacity that the function must take? and what happens with the other values like IntervalVar and resource consumption by job.