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For questions about solving Operations Research problems using the C++ programming language.

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How to correctly use legacy callbacks in CPLEX with C++ to generate Benders' cuts?

I've been working on implementing Branch-and-Benders Cut using CPLEX version 20.1 with the C++ API, but I'm encountering some difficulties. I've followed the example provided by CPLEX, specifically ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
2 votes
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How to deal with performance bottlenecks in Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Benders' decomposition?

I've been working on solving a stochastic vehicle routing problem using Benders' decomposition with CPLEX in C++. Initially, my implementation struggled with larger instances, but I've made ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

custom branch and bound on cplex or GAMS

Does anyone have an idea how to create a custom B&B on CPLEX or GAMS? In my work, I need to add custom cuts on integer solutions in certain conditions by adding only one branch. Also, I need to ...
BADJARA Mohamed el Amine's user avatar
0 votes
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Using CPLEX in C++, how can I efficiently alter the objective function and then resolve the problem?

I want to solve an optimization problem using the CPLEX API in C++. After solving the model, I then want to resolve it using a different objective function. For that purpose, I learned the functions <...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I check convergence in stochastic Benders?

So in the deterministic version of Benders, the main process works like this: I initialize my x-vector (Integer variables from the master problem) and solve the dual subproblem (SP). I add an ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
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Is an insanely high number of feasibility cuts normal while solving a VRP with Benders?

I am in the process of trying to solve a VRP with synchronization constraints with Benders Decomposition. I am programming in C++ and my approach seems to be really slow for the following reason: My ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Tips for implementing Benders Decomposition in C++?

currently I am working on implementing Benders Decomposition for a large-scale stochastic MIP in C++ using the CPLEX Solver. I've been spending the last couple of months learning the programming ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
0 votes
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Graphs arcs on AMPL C++ API

I am trying to model a routing instance in AMPL C++ API. The AMPL Book presents a strategy for modeling routing instances via AMPL (Figures 6-2a and 6-2b, Page 95, Chapter 6), as it is presented below:...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Which data type is best used when programming an optimization problem in C++?

Switching over from CPLEX Optimization Studio, now I want to solve problems in C++ using the CPLEX API. Being used to the CPLEX data types, I was wondering how they best translate to C++. For example, ...
Arctic_Skill's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any hidden differences in OR-Tools' default parameters for a MIP model in Python vs C++?

or-tools-discuss cross post here. As a disclaimer -- I am very aware that OR-Tools' Python code are just wrappers around their C++ source code. I'm just getting an odd discrepancy between a model ...
gjgutier545's user avatar
2 votes
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Automated Benders Using Annotations

I'm trying to solve an optimization model using Automated Benders with annotations using CPLEX library in C++. I've defined a master problem and N (number of supply nodes in my model's network) ...
Vala's user avatar
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How should I implement Benders Decomposition with annotations in C++ using CPLEX library

I'm a beginner in C++ and want to implement Benders decomposition in C++ using CPLEX. I'm gonna use it for a special case study, so I need to customize the cuts to minimize the optimality gap. However,...
Vala's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Implementing Heuristic Callback in CPLEX C++ API for MILP

I am trying to implement a heuristic callback to a MILP with BOTH integer variables and continuous variables. After finding a feasible solution, I tried to use setSolution() to send the solution to ...
Jasonzjc's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is solving a quadratic programming optimization problem using python slower than C++?

I am using the cvxpy library in python to solve a quadratic programming problem and the solver used is scip. I found that when the amount of data becomes large, the solution process will be ...
happy's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Name of graph algorithm arising while using the Ryan Foster Branching

I'm using the Ryan-Foster branching in my Branch and Price algorithm for a pickup and delivery problem, but I'm having trouble keeping track of all the pairs as I go down the search tree. Let's say ...
Victor Hugo's user avatar
-3 votes
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Testing Varying Parameters With the Same Script [closed]

As the title suggests, I would like to test different values of parameters with the same code in C++. For example, one of the parameters is: #define α 0.5. I would ...
Routine Ma's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Python vs. compiled languages in OR research using metaheuristics

In many articles that use metaheuristics to solve optimization problems, the programming language of choice is C++. For example, the following two articles present state-of-the-art metaheuristics to ...
Leon Lan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Gurobi C++-how to set the NonConvex parameter to 2

When I solve the model, it happen "Error 10020: Objective Q not PSD" in the end. The gurobi website said, to resolve this issue, set the NonConvex parameter to 2. I type "model.set(...
Routine Ma's user avatar
0 votes
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Gurobi C++ - how to divide variables

How do I divide a variable by another variable? For example, if I have a variable max, and a variable $\sum\sum X_{ij}$, what I want to do is max divided by $\sum\sum X_{ij}$. But the question is that ...
Routine Ma's user avatar
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Trying to add lazy constraints to traveling salesman problem

For a simple traveling salesman problem, I am trying to add the "miller-tucker-zemlin subtour elimination constraints" by using ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK. ...
Ozan Aksu's user avatar
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Incorporating OR-Tools in a CMake Project

I'm trying to incorporate or-tools into my cmake project. I've tried some of the suggestions given by the project maintainers, who give a few different ways to integrate or-tools in the readme and in ...
Connor's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Python vs C++ performance on Discrete Optimization

Are there any useful resources to compare the performance of python and c++ languages in algorithms dedicated to solving discrete optimization problems?
Nada.S's user avatar
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How to create Gurobi model using a matrix? (C++ API)

I have been working on the Gurobi (C++ API) using its reference manual for some time. I did not see any description in the manual regarding how to create the Gurobi model using a matrix and iterate ...
asdf's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create A, b and c matrices from very large .lp file?

I am working on Scaling MIP. I use Gurobi within Clion. I need to extract the coefficient of Xs (A matrix), right-hand side (B matrix), and an objective function(c matrix) from the .lp file and ...
asdf's user avatar
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2 answers

Gurobi with C++

This is not the right question to be posting here, but is anywhere a video tutorial/ written on how to link C++ header files with Gurobi?
Ishaan's user avatar
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How to make CLion read .lp file and make Gurobi solve that file within CLion?

I am working on the scaling of a MIP using C++. I use Gurobi within CLion. The Gurobi model I use now in Clion require me to enter everything manually (model.addVar, model.addConstr...). However, in a ...
asdf's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What kind of data structure should be used to store labels when implementing a labeling algorithm?

The shortest path problem with resource constraints is a common subproblem when doing column generation. It is often solved with a labeling algorithm. The procedure is very well explained here and ...
gmn's user avatar
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The precision of the decimal number of the Cplex

I have faced a little weird problem when I use Cplex to solve my test problem. Basically, some of my data are float numbers up to three decimal numbers (For instance, 0.627). But, when I print out the ...
Sam's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Linear Optimization Library for C++ with GPU Support

Does anyone know any linear optimization libraries for C++ supporting GPUs for parallelization? If multiple, which do you recommend? The GPU support is important to me since I am dealing with large ...
Daneshvar Amrollahi's user avatar
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Gurobi c++: Getting constraint matrix

I'm trying to get the constraint matrix from a Gurobi model in C++. In Python, one can get this by simply calling a method that will populate a scipy object (see this post). However, in a C++ fashion, ...
gdragotto's user avatar
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Invalid solutions to Piecewise Mccormick Envelope Implementation

I am currently trying to implement a piecewise McCormick envelope in Drake (c++). The current issue I am having is that the solution produced by the optimization does not produce a valid $x$ and $y$ ...
Yuki's user avatar
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4 votes
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How does CPLEX handle objective estimates passed to the makeBranch method?

I want to implement a (simple) branching heuristic through a CPLEX generic callback. There are multiple overloads of the makeBranch method in CPLEX's C++ API, see here: ...
joni's user avatar
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Implementing benders decomposition using Lazy and User cuts callback of Cplex

I am trying to implement benders decomposition for a simple fixed charge transportation problem for the purpose of learning. I implemented the classic Benders decomposition successfully by adding ...
Sam's user avatar
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CPU time on Linux with Gurobi

I am solving a MILP model in C++ using Gurobi 10.1. I retrieve the CPU time of my C++ program under Linux via the following commands: ...
Pratim's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Calculated CPU time of C++ is different from actual time to solve MILP model via Gurobi

I am solving a MILP model in C++ using Gurobi 7.5.2. More specifically, I am determining the CPU time of my C++ program via the following commands: clock_t start_time; double elapsed_time; start_time=...
Tessa Borgonjon's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get an extreme ray of an LP from Gurobi

I am working on a problem of form \begin{equation} \begin{array}{l @{\quad} l} \mathrm{max}_{x, u} & p^{\top} u \\ \text{st.} & A u + a x \leq 0 \\ & x \in \{0, 1\...
independentvariable's user avatar
2 votes
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C++ code for branch and price

I looking to learn to use bpcolumn generation techniques in c++. Does any body know of GitHub repository or any other site where I can find some code And learn about it... The application can be ...
prakash gawas's user avatar
3 votes
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Gurobi C++: adding variables with vector

I am solving an LP by using GUROBI - C++ combo. Assume I have a variable $p \in \mathbb{R}^n$. I am adding this as a vector: ...
independentvariable's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

No solution found from n MIP starts

Currently, I am working on the implementation of a MILP formulation with lazy constraints for an optimization problem, and I am using the MIP Start strategy. I am generating the integer feasible ...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How exactly does OptionalIntervalVar work in OR-Tools?

I created OptionalIntervals for a number of tasks: ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
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assigning values to IntVar if and only if BoolVar, else zero [or-tools]

If I have an IntVar s[j] stored in a vector s, is it possible to iterate for (a period of ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
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OptionalIntervalVar enforced but not working OR-TOOLS

I'm using OptionalIntervalVar and then maximizing the starts. The optimal solution is not affecting the other variables that creates the ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
9 votes
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Check which constraints are violated (Concert - Cplex Studio 12.10 - C++)

Currently, I am working on the implementation of a formulation for an optimization problem, at the moment I already have the MIP formulation implemented in C++ using Cplex studio 12.10 with the ...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
6 votes
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Modelling issue with precedence constraint in OR-Tools

I'm trying to solve an RCPSPDc model It is infeasible, although Ilog Cplex solves it, so I think I have a modelling issue. I have more constraints but the precedence is the one that makes it ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
3 votes
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ValidateModel or tools in c++ and proto problems

I'm trying to validate my model, this is the relevant part of my code: ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
8 votes
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Solving multiple easy ILP instances

I have an application where I am solving millions of ILP instances that differ from each other only on one constraint. The instances, of course, are relatively easy to solve or otherwise this would be ...
Laakeri's user avatar
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Modelling issue with rcpsp and boolean expressions

I'm trying to solve an RCPSPDc problem in OR-Tools with CP-SAT solver. In my RCPSPDc model (with discount rate) i want to set this objective: $$\max_{s}\sum_{j\in J}\text{profit}_{j}\cdot \frac{1}{(1+...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
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Cumulative Constraint OR-Tools

I'm trying to solve an rcpsp model. I can't find documentation for the AddCumulative function of OR-Tools. How should this function be used? I want to write this ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
8 votes
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Precedence Constraint in OR-Tools

I'm trying to write this constraint in C++ and add it to my model (addLessOrEqual): $$\text{start}_{i}+\text{duration}_{i}\le\text{start}_{j}$$ for an $(i,j)$ arc ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
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GUROBI Re-optimize a model

(For Linear Programming) I am aware of CPLEX's reoptimize methods. If I am not wrong, if you solve a problem and after that you add a new constraint, then you can call the reoptimize method for not to ...
independentvariable's user avatar