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4 votes
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How exactly does OptionalIntervalVar work in OR-Tools?

I created OptionalIntervals for a number of tasks: ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

assigning values to IntVar if and only if BoolVar, else zero [or-tools]

If I have an IntVar s[j] stored in a vector s, is it possible to iterate for (a period of ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
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OptionalIntervalVar enforced but not working OR-TOOLS

I'm using OptionalIntervalVar and then maximizing the starts. The optimal solution is not affecting the other variables that creates the ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
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Modelling issue with precedence constraint in OR-Tools

I'm trying to solve an RCPSPDc model It is infeasible, although Ilog Cplex solves it, so I think I have a modelling issue. I have more constraints but the precedence is the one that makes it ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

ValidateModel or tools in c++ and proto problems

I'm trying to validate my model, this is the relevant part of my code: ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
4 votes
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Modelling issue with rcpsp and boolean expressions

I'm trying to solve an RCPSPDc problem in OR-Tools with CP-SAT solver. In my RCPSPDc model (with discount rate) i want to set this objective: $$\max_{s}\sum_{j\in J}\text{profit}_{j}\cdot \frac{1}{(1+...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Cumulative Constraint OR-Tools

I'm trying to solve an rcpsp model. I can't find documentation for the AddCumulative function of OR-Tools. How should this function be used? I want to write this ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Precedence Constraint in OR-Tools

I'm trying to write this constraint in C++ and add it to my model (addLessOrEqual): $$\text{start}_{i}+\text{duration}_{i}\le\text{start}_{j}$$ for an $(i,j)$ arc ...
Diego R. Troncoso's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How to implement a custom global constraint in IBM's ILOG CP optimizer

How do you implement a custom, global constraint in CP Optimizer? This is not a trivial thing to do, as CP Optimizer does not ship any examples of a custom constraint, and the documentation is very ...
Joris Kinable's user avatar