When we are doing inventory optimization, say implementing a base-stock policy, one of the KPIs we monitor is the average on-hand inventory, which we use to calculate the average inventory holding cost.
For a base-stock policy with base-stock level $S$, if executed perfectly, the average on-hand inventory is the sum of the safety stock and the cycle stock, where cycle stock is defined as half of the average demand during the review period.
Now my question is, is there a similar way to calculate the average on-hand inventory for a periodic review inventory policy such as the $(s, S)$-policy? Recall a $(s,S)$-policy with review period $R$ operates as follows: every $R$-period, we review the current inventory position, which includes both the on-hand and in-transit inventory, if the inventory position is less than $s$ (the reorder-point), then we order inventories to bring the inventory position to level $S$ (the order-up-to level), otherwise we do not order.