When I used Column Generation, I found a column with reduced cost < 0, and added it to the Restricted Master Problem.
Must the newly added column be used in the solution of RMP at once? If not, then why this reduced cost does not work to the objective of RMP?
Suppose $z_1, z_2, z_3 $ are initial columns, we have a RMP below,
$P_1:\min {3 z_1 + 4 z_2 + 9 z_3} $
Constraint a: $z_1 + z_2 + z_3 = 2$
Constraint b: $z_1 + 2 z_3 = 1$
Constraint c: $z_2 + 0.5 z_3 = 1$
If we solve this model directly, the objective value should be 7, and the dual values should be $\pi_a = -2/3, \pi_b = 11/3, \pi_c = 14/3$.
Then if we find a new column $z_4$, with the cost equals to 3.5
As the reduced cost should be 3.5 - 11/3 - 14/3 + 2/3 < 0, so it will be added to RMP.
$P_2:\min {3 z_1 + 4 z_2 + 9 z_3 + 3.5 z_4} $
Constraint a: $z_1 + z_2 + z_3 + z_4 = 2$
Constraint b: $z_1 + 2 z_3 + z_4 = 1$
Constraint c: $z_2 + 0.5 z_3 + z_4 = 1$
when $z_4$ is added, it cannot be used instantly.
The newly solution will be $z_1 = 1, z_2 = 1$, the Obj value of RMP not changed and the newly column $z_4$ not used.
While if we changed the equal signs in the constraint to Greater than or equal signs.
$P_3:\min {3 z_1 + 4 z_2 + 9 z_3} $
Constraint a: $z_1 + z_2 + z_3 >= 2$
Constraint b: $z_1 + 2 z_3 >= 1$
Constraint c: $z_2 + 0.5 z_3 >= 1$
$P_4:\min {3 z_1 + 4 z_2 + 9 z_3 + 3.5 z_4} $
Constraint a: $z_1 + z_2 + z_3 + z_4 >= 2$
Constraint b: $z_1 + 2 z_3 + z_4 >= 1$
Constraint c: $z_2 + 0.5 z_3 + z_4 >= 1$
Now the newly column $z_4$ will be used and make the new obj becomes 6.5.
My question becomes, In $P_1 \& P_2$, do the newly column $z_4$ enter the basis? If do, why the value of $z_4$ if 0, is this situation right?