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32 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

Here are a few differences I have noticed. (I am mainly an academic, but also work part-time for a consulting company that specializes in OR and AI models for supply chain and other industries.) ...
LarrySnyder610's user avatar
21 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

My experience, as a former phd in an academic context, post doc in a semi-industrial/semi-academic context and now working for an APS editor, is the following: When working on academic problems one ...
Renaud M.'s user avatar
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19 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

One difference I did not see mentioned in earlier responses: moving targets. In academe, we tend to start out with a well-delineated (if perhaps overly simple) problem, and we stick with that problem. ...
prubin's user avatar
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11 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

Just to add one more point to what @LarrySnyder610 said above about specific problem-driven projects of enterprises: Since many of industry OR problems are driven by specific use cases, some of the ...
EhsanK's user avatar
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9 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

TL;DR version For vehicle routing problems (which is a subset of OR), academic works focus on getting the best possible solution cost for overly simplified problems, industry focuses on getting ...
Open Door Logistics's user avatar
7 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

For having spent 10 years in Academia/OR and 20 years in the industry side of the force, I noticed that one difference is often the incremental aspect of the problem you have to solve in the industry. ...
Benoit Rottembourg's user avatar
7 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

I only have first-hand experience of the government side, which limits my ability to compare, but since none of the other answers discuss that side of things it may be useful to have an answer from ...
G_B's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the main differences between Operations Research in the academic world, in the enterprise world and in the government world?

Something that has really become interesting to me is the creation of software in both of these contexts. Specifically as an end user of a commercial solver. In academia often code is written to ...
fhk's user avatar
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