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For questions about mathematical optimization problems involving both continuous and binary or general integer variables.

2 votes

Any good MIP LaTeX template?

Another package worth mentioning is optidef. You can find some examples in this answer on TeX.SE.
joni's user avatar
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1 vote

mip - mapping of equality to boolean variable

If I understood correctly, you want to enforce $$ \begin{align} e_{1,w} = e_{2,w} \implies b_{w} = 1 \quad \text{for all } w, \tag{1} \\ e_{1,w} \neq e_{2,w} \implies b_{w} = 0 \quad \text{for all } w …
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10 votes

How to formulate the constraint If $x = k$, then $y = c$?

By introducing the binary helper variables $z_1,z_2,z_3,w_1,w_2,w_3$, you can use the constraints $$ \begin{align} L_y z_1 + c z_2 + (c+1)z_3 &\leq y \leq (c-1)z_1 + c z_2 + U_y z_3, \tag{1} \\ L_x w_ …
joni's user avatar
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7 votes

Find the list with the fewest elements whose cumulative sum reaches threshold

Your model basically reads as $$ \begin{align*} \min \quad n \quad \text{s.t.} \quad \sum_{k = 0}^{n} l_{i,k} \geq b_i \cdot \epsilon, \quad \sum_{i \in L} b_i = 1, \end{align*} $$ where $l_{i,k}$ is …
joni's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to linearize the product of two integer variables?

Given two integer variables $L_x \leq x \leq U_x$ and $L_y \leq y \leq U_y$, how can we linearize the product $x \cdot y$?
joni's user avatar
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7 votes

How to linearize the product of two integer variables?

A straightforward approach is to express the integer variables $x$ and $y$ in terms of binary variables. In case $L_x < 0$ or $L_y < 0$, we can use the two complement's representation, see this answer …
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11 votes

How to represent an integer variable via binary variables?

I'm not entirely sure if this is the most elegant way to model things, but here's how integer numbers are represented in a computer: Let's take an integer variable $x \in \mathbb{Z}$ with $L \leq x \l …
joni's user avatar
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5 votes

How to formulate if-then for two sums in an integer program

Your constraint is equivalent to the contraposition $$ \sum_i y_i \leq b \implies \sum_i x_i \neq b. $$ By introducing additional binary variables $z_1, w_1, w_2, w_3$, it can be formulated as follows …
joni's user avatar
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7 votes

How to transform a logical constraint with integer variables?

The range of values of the variable $y$ is quite small, so you could use the binary representation $y = b_0 + 2b_1$ with two binary variables $b_0$ and $b_1$ instead of the integer variable $y$. Then …
joni's user avatar
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6 votes

Implementing Heuristic Callback in CPLEX C++ API for MILP

Disclaimer: It's been a while since I used Cplex' C++ API. According to your question, you probably rather want to use a generic callback and inject a feasible (heuristic) solution through Callback::C …
joni's user avatar
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0 votes

Using networkx predecessors in Pyomo initialize method

As you already guessed, these are rather coding issues than solver issues. Regarding the pyomo model: Both m.pred and m.PAIRS in your linked MWE are empty. DiGraph's predecessor method returns an iter …
joni's user avatar
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5 votes

Can we add a certain binary row to a matrix which preserves total unimodularity?

Your conjecture is wrong as the following counterexample demonstrates. Consider $$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} $$ and $$ b^\top = \begin{pmatrix} -1 & 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix} …
joni's user avatar
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4 votes

How to transfer an optimization problem written with GUROBI (in python) in a grammar that ca...

I think pySCIPOpt might be a good choice, provided you are willing to make minor changes to the code. The modelling interface is very similar to Gurobi and the underlying SCIP solver also supports ha …
joni's user avatar
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3 votes

How to create A, b and c matrices from very large .lp file?

Since you linked to the documentation of the C++ API in the comments, I assume you are using C++. Typically, the constraint matrix A is sparse, so we use a sparse data structure. This requires signifi …
joni's user avatar
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3 votes

Formulation of binary constraint with the least binary variables for linear programming

You want to impose the following two logical constraints: $$ \begin{align} \delta_{t-1} = 1 \wedge \delta_t = 0 &\implies \beta_t = 1 \tag{1} \\ \neg (\delta_{t-1} = 1 \wedge \delta_t = 0) &\implies \ …
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