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Pyomo warmstart does not work with GLPK and CBC

I am trying to warmstart a MIP using Pyomo and a free solver like GLPK or CBC. Following the documentation it is enough to specify warmstart=True in the following code: ...
user2695795's user avatar
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Warm starting ideas for iteratively solving a model with a few additional constraints

I'm trying to solve a MILP model iteratively, and at each iteration a few constraints are added to the problem that cut off the previous optimal solution. I'm trying to figure out ways to implement a ...
jackson's user avatar
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CPLEX MIP warm start seems slow down the program?

I have been working on a combinatorial optimization problem which can be modeled as an integer linear programming. I implemented it as a c++ project in visual studio 2017 and CPLEX1271. With the hope ...
Mengfan Ma's user avatar