I am exploring what the tradeoffs are between no crossover, crossover w/ default settings, and crossover with just dual for barrier optimization.
When I attempt to define my solver settings for the crossover with dual, I thought, based on the CPLEX documentation, that I would use the [barcrossalg] parameter and set it equal to 2. however, when I kick off a study, I get an error message back stating only the following parameters are available.
Is "barrier" the actual setting I am looking for and not barcrossalg?
I am using version 20.1.0 of CPLEX community edition.
Available options reported back to me by the solver:
advance, barrier,benders, clocktype, conflict, cpumask, defaults, dettimelimit, distmip, emphasis, feasopt, logfile, lpmethod, mip, multiobjective, network, optimalitytarget, output, parallel, paramdisplay, preprocessing, qpmethod, randomseed, read, record, sifting, simplex, solutiontype, threads, timelimit, tune, workdir, workmem