I am looking over for softwares recommendation in Introduction to Operations Research Hillier 11th, there are tens of options for learn and apply OR theory using software.
I normally check how much focus have a book about a specific topic, counting how much words are in the book. and this is my data:
Counting the words related to specific softwares in the Hillier book:
LINGO / LINDO 100 words / 136 words
Excel 269 words ( mostly related to .xlsx files not about excel software itself)
ASPE 250
Queuing Simulator 499
MPL ( Unresearchable at the moment )
Python 0
As you all see I am saying excel word is use in Hillier mostly for handle .xlsx files and few examples for solving problems, more for ASPE 250
, LINGO 136
and more for Queuing Simulator 499
( Not Using CPLEX too much 21
wordsa and Gurobi 11
Words). about "Use excel only for handle data" also happen with the data science industry in this post in ds.se there are horror history using Excel for Data Science / Analytics. But what about the excel solver is good?
As an example of comparing I use this is my data about software in OR.SE:
[excel] 15 questions related to excel
[cplex] 160 questions
[gurobi] 106
[matlab] 19
[r] 12
lingo 1
aspe 0
mpl 1
[pyomo] 81
Comparing we have a lack of CPLEX, Gurobi, Python in the Hillier book however this book is still useful for OR theory. but that's too much information for this question my main question is:
Is Excel Outdate or Useless for the OR industry?