I am working on a scheduling problem in which I have used two different MIP formulations and also based on the time index variable. My problem is in the class $ P_{j} | \ r_{j}, SDST \ | C_{Max} $.
Without having $SDST$, both formulations work well, but it makes an issue when I want to add the related constraints. Actually, the problem is solved, but the resulting schedule does not make sense against the $SDST$ limitation. The constraint I have used is in the following form:
$$\sum_{i_{i\neq j}} \sum_{tt=t+p_{j}}^{t+p_{j}-s_{j,i}-1} x_{i,m,tt} \leq M.(1-x_{j,m,t}) \quad \forall j \in J, m \in M, t \in T$$
where the binary variable $x_{j,m,t}$ is equal to $1$ if task $j$ is being assigned on machine $m$ at time slot $t$, otherwise $0$. I was wondering if, how can I fix my issue w.r.t the mentioned constraint and if there is another efficient way to do that.