I am trying to solve a VRP variant where I have a list of vehicles. If a vehicle is used/rented, a cost will be incurred. If not, there will be no cost.
And even if a vehicle is rented, it can only be used for a certain given time.
I am trying to formulate the problem like this.
\begin{align*} \text{Minimize:} \quad & \sum_{j=1}^{m} \text{vehicle_rent_cost}[j] * y[j] \\ \text{Subject to:} \quad & \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{n} x[i, j] = 1 \quad \forall j = 1 \text{ to } m \\ & x[i, j] \leq y[j] \quad \forall i = 1 \text{ to } n, \quad \forall j = 1 \text{ to } m \\ & \sum_{a=1}^{n} \sum_{b=1}^{n} \text{total_time_matrix}[a, b] * v[a, b] \leq \text{vehicle_rent_time} \quad \forall j = 1 \text{ to } n \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{n} \text{cell_demand_kg}[i] * x[i, j] \leq \text{vehicle_capacity_kg}[j] * y[j] \quad \forall i = 1 \text{ to } n, \quad \forall j = 1 \text{ to } m \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{n} \text{cell_demand_cft}[i] * x[i, j] \leq \text{vehicle_capacity_cft}[j] * y[j] \quad \forall i = 1 \text{ to } n, \quad \forall j = 1 \text{ to } m \\ \end{align*}
n be the number of cells.
m be the number of vehicles.
x[i, j] be a binary variable indicating whether cell i is assigned to vehicle j.
y[j] be a binary variable indicating whether vehicle j is used.
v[a, b] be a binary variable indicating whether cell b is served after cell a.
vehicle_rent_cost[j] be the cost of renting vehicle j.
total_time_matrix[a, b] be the time to travel from cell a to cell b, after serving cell a.
vehicle_rent_time be the total available time for a vehicle.
cell_demand_kg[i] be the demand in kilograms for cell i.
vehicle_capacity_kg[j] be the capacity in kilograms of vehicle j.
cell_demand_cft[i] be the demand in cubic feet for cell i.
vehicle_capacity_cft[j] be the capacity in cubic feet of vehicle j.
But this is clearly wrong. v[a,b]
will always be 0.
How can I formulate the problem in a better way?