Suppose I have a set of employee $E$ and set of jobs $J$ in a given time horizon $T$. I would like to make sure that no employee works on multiple jobs where each job $e\in E$ takes a certain amount of time presented as $\delta_e$.
Let $X_{ejt}$ be a binary variables stating if employee $e$ starts working on job $j$ at time $t$. Then, I can write;
$ M(X_{ejt}-1) \geq \sum_{i \in J \setminus \{ j\}} \sum_{t^* : t \leq t^* < t + \delta_j} X_{eit^*}, \quad \forall e \in E, j \in J, t \in T$
where the constraint ensures that employee $e$ cannot work on another job until their current job is completed.
My question is that if there is a better way to accomplish this with a more effective constraint without leaning on a big-M constraint. When I say efficient, I mean it should work better during the B$\&$B process.