I am solving a MILP with cbc and gurobi (via pyomo). Gurobi states that the model is infeasible. As to cbc the solver status states that a feasible and optimal solution is found, but then it fails to access the value of the objective (which in turn crashed my program).
Here is how I access the objective value
solver_parameters = "ResultFile=model.lp"
opt = SolverFactory(solver)
results = opt.solve(self.model, tee=False, options_string=solver_parameters,logfile="model.log")
# checking status and terminiation condition
print ("The solver returned a status of: "+str(results.solver.status))
print (str(results.solver))
if (results.solver.status == SolverStatus.ok) and (results.solver.termination_condition== TerminationCondition.optimal):
print ("Problem is feasible and solution is optimal")
objective_value = value(self.model.objective)
print("Problem is infeasible")
objective_value = None
With cbc I get
The solver returned a status of: ok
- Status: ok
Message: CBC 2.10.5
Termination condition: optimal
Id: 0
Error rc: 0
Time: 0.011972904205322266
Problem is feasible and solution is optimal
ERROR: evaluating object as numeric value: x[0]
(object: <class 'pyomo.core.base.var._GeneralVarData'>)
No value for uninitialized NumericValue object x[0]
ERROR: evaluating object as numeric value: objective
(object: <class 'pyomo.core.base.objective.SimpleObjective'>)
No value for uninitialized NumericValue object x[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:...", line 531, in solve
objective_value = value(self.model.objective)
File "pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx", line 246, in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
File "pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx", line 231, in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
File "C:...\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\base\expression.py", line 55, in __call__
return self.expr(exception=exception)
File "pyomo\core\expr\numeric_expr.pyx", line 218, in pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ExpressionBase.__call__
File "C:...\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\visitor.py", line 1054, in evaluate_expression
return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(exp)
File "C:...\venv\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\visitor.py", line 584, in dfs_postorder_stack
flag, value = self.visiting_potential_leaf(_sub)
File "C:...\lib\site-packages\pyomo\core\expr\visitor.py", line 962, in visiting_potential_leaf
return True, value(node)
File "pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx", line 246, in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
File "pyomo\core\expr\numvalue.pyx", line 233, in pyomo.core.expr.numvalue.value
ValueError: No value for uninitialized NumericValue object x[0]
Cbc log is
Solver command line: ['C:...\\cbc.exe', 'C:...\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp49biprhm.pyomo.nl', '-AMPL']
CBC 2.10.5:
On the other hand with gurobi I get
WARNING: Loading a SolverResults object with a warning status into
- termination condition: infeasible
- message from solver: Model was proven to be infeasible.
The solver returned a status of: warning
- Status: warning
Return code: 0
Message: Model was proven to be infeasible.
Termination condition: infeasible
Termination message: Model was proven to be infeasible.
Wall time: 0.0019626617431640625
Error rc: 0
Time: 0.08476400375366211
Problem is infeasible
I'm assuming problem is indeed infeasible and the error comes from cbc. Is this kind of error common, and what would be a way to avoid this?
Finally, this is the lp model returned by gurobi
\ Model x79
\ LP format - for model browsing. Use MPS format to capture full model detail.
- 100 x12 - 200 x13 - 300 x14 - 400 x15 - 70 x16 - 140 x17 - 90 x18
- 90 x19
Subject To
c_u_x80_: x12 - 100 x1 <= 0
c_u_x81_: x13 - 100 x2 <= 0
c_u_x82_: x14 - 100 x3 <= 0
c_u_x83_: x15 - 100 x4 <= 0
c_u_x84_: x16 - 50 x5 <= 0
c_u_x85_: x17 - 50 x6 <= 0
c_u_x86_: x18 - 25 x7 <= 0
c_u_x87_: x19 - 25 x8 <= 0
c_l_x88_: x12 >= 0
c_l_x89_: x13 >= 0
c_l_x90_: x14 >= 0
c_l_x91_: x15 >= 0
c_l_x92_: x16 >= 0
c_l_x93_: x17 >= 0
c_l_x94_: x18 >= 0
c_l_x95_: x19 >= 0
c_u_x96_: x1 <= 1
c_u_x97_: x2 <= 1
c_u_x98_: x3 <= 1
c_u_x99_: x4 <= 1
c_u_x100_: x5 <= 1
c_u_x101_: x6 <= 1
c_u_x102_: x7 <= 1
c_u_x103_: x8 <= 1
c_e_x104_: x12 + x16 = 51
c_e_x105_: x13 + x17 = 51
c_e_x106_: x14 + x18 = 51
c_e_x107_: x15 + x19 = 51
c_u_x108_: - x7 + x9 <= 0
c_u_x109_: - x6 + x10 <= 0
c_u_x110_: - x2 - x3 + x11 <= 0
c_u_x111_: x7 - 2 x9 <= 0
c_u_x112_: x6 - 2 x10 <= 0
c_u_x113_: x2 + x3 - 2 x11 <= 0
c_u_x114_: 100 x13 + 20 x14 + 100 x17 + 20 x18 <= 6072
c_u_x115_: - 20 x18 + 1260 x9 <= 0
c_u_x116_: - 100 x17 + 1260 x10 <= 0
c_u_x117_: - 100 x13 - 20 x14 + 1260 x11 <= 0
c_u_x118_: 2 x1 - x24 <= 0
c_u_x119_: 2 x2 - x25 <= 0
c_u_x120_: 15 x3 - x26 <= 0
c_u_x121_: 10 x4 - x27 <= 0
c_u_x122_: 1.4 x5 - x24 <= 0
c_u_x123_: 1.4 x6 - x25 <= 0
c_u_x124_: 4.5 x7 - x26 <= 0
c_u_x125_: 2.25 x8 - x27 <= 0
c_u_x126_: 100 x12 + 200 x13 + 300 x14 + 400 x15 + 70 x16 + 140 x17
+ 90 x18 + 90 x19 - 2550 x24 - 5100 x25 - 1020 x26 - 2040 x27 + 6072 x48
+ 100 x60 + 100 x61 + 100 x62 + 100 x63 + 50 x64 + 50 x65 + 25 x66
+ 25 x67 - 1260 x76 - 1260 x77 - 1260 x78 <= 0
c_u_x127_: - 1000 x1 + x60 <= 0
c_u_x128_: - 1000 x2 + x61 <= 0
c_u_x129_: - 1000 x3 + x62 <= 0
c_u_x130_: - 1000 x4 + x63 <= 0
c_u_x131_: - 1000 x5 + x64 <= 0
c_u_x132_: - 1000 x6 + x65 <= 0
c_u_x133_: - 1000 x7 + x66 <= 0
c_u_x134_: - 1000 x8 + x67 <= 0
c_u_x135_: x60 - x32 <= 0
c_u_x136_: x61 - x33 <= 0
c_u_x137_: x62 - x34 <= 0
c_u_x138_: x63 - x35 <= 0
c_u_x139_: x64 - x36 <= 0
c_u_x140_: x65 - x37 <= 0
c_u_x141_: x66 - x38 <= 0
c_u_x142_: x67 - x39 <= 0
c_u_x143_: 1000 x1 - x60 + x32 <= 1000
c_u_x144_: 1000 x2 - x61 + x33 <= 1000
c_u_x145_: 1000 x3 - x62 + x34 <= 1000
c_u_x146_: 1000 x4 - x63 + x35 <= 1000
c_u_x147_: 1000 x5 - x64 + x36 <= 1000
c_u_x148_: 1000 x6 - x65 + x37 <= 1000
c_u_x149_: 1000 x7 - x66 + x38 <= 1000
c_u_x150_: 1000 x8 - x67 + x39 <= 1000
c_u_x151_: - 1000 x1 + x68 <= 0
c_u_x152_: - 1000 x2 + x69 <= 0
c_u_x153_: - 1000 x3 + x70 <= 0
c_u_x154_: - 1000 x4 + x71 <= 0
c_u_x155_: - 1000 x5 + x72 <= 0
c_u_x156_: - 1000 x6 + x73 <= 0
c_u_x157_: - 1000 x7 + x74 <= 0
c_u_x158_: - 1000 x8 + x75 <= 0
c_u_x159_: x68 - x40 <= 0
c_u_x160_: x69 - x41 <= 0
c_u_x161_: x70 - x42 <= 0
c_u_x162_: x71 - x43 <= 0
c_u_x163_: x72 - x44 <= 0
c_u_x164_: x73 - x45 <= 0
c_u_x165_: x74 - x46 <= 0
c_u_x166_: x75 - x47 <= 0
c_u_x167_: 1000 x1 - x68 + x40 <= 1000
c_u_x168_: 1000 x2 - x69 + x41 <= 1000
c_u_x169_: 1000 x3 - x70 + x42 <= 1000
c_u_x170_: 1000 x4 - x71 + x43 <= 1000
c_u_x171_: 1000 x5 - x72 + x44 <= 1000
c_u_x172_: 1000 x6 - x73 + x45 <= 1000
c_u_x173_: 1000 x7 - x74 + x46 <= 1000
c_u_x174_: 1000 x8 - x75 + x47 <= 1000
c_u_x175_: - 1000 x9 + x76 <= 0
c_u_x176_: - 1000 x10 + x77 <= 0
c_u_x177_: - 1000 x11 + x78 <= 0
c_u_x178_: x76 - x49 <= 0
c_u_x179_: x77 - x50 <= 0
c_u_x180_: x78 - x51 <= 0
c_u_x181_: 1000 x9 - x76 + x49 <= 1000
c_u_x182_: 1000 x10 - x77 + x50 <= 1000
c_u_x183_: 1000 x11 - x78 + x51 <= 1000
c_l_x184_: - 50 x24 + x32 - x40 >= -100
c_l_x185_: - 100 x25 + 100 x48 + x33 - x41 - 100 x51 >= -200
c_l_x186_: - 20 x26 + 20 x48 + x34 - x42 - 20 x51 >= -300
c_l_x187_: - 40 x27 + x35 - x43 >= -400
c_l_x188_: - 50 x24 + x36 - x44 >= -70
c_l_x189_: - 100 x25 + 100 x48 + x37 - x45 - 100 x50 >= -140
c_l_x190_: - 20 x26 + 20 x48 + x38 - x46 - 20 x49 >= -90
c_l_x191_: - 40 x27 + x39 - x47 >= -90
c_u_x192_: x24 <= 2
c_u_x193_: x25 <= 2
c_u_x194_: x26 <= 15
c_u_x195_: x27 <= 10
x24 free
x25 free
x26 free
x27 free
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11
EDIT: MPS file below
NAME x79
L c_u_x80_
L c_u_x81_
L c_u_x82_
L c_u_x83_
L c_u_x84_
L c_u_x85_
L c_u_x86_
L c_u_x87_
G c_l_x88_
G c_l_x89_
G c_l_x90_
G c_l_x91_
G c_l_x92_
G c_l_x93_
G c_l_x94_
G c_l_x95_
L c_u_x96_
L c_u_x97_
L c_u_x98_
L c_u_x99_
L c_u_x100_
L c_u_x101_
L c_u_x102_
L c_u_x103_
E c_e_x104_
E c_e_x105_
E c_e_x106_
E c_e_x107_
L c_u_x108_
L c_u_x109_
L c_u_x110_
L c_u_x111_
L c_u_x112_
L c_u_x113_
L c_u_x114_
L c_u_x115_
L c_u_x116_
L c_u_x117_
L c_u_x118_
L c_u_x119_
L c_u_x120_
L c_u_x121_
L c_u_x122_
L c_u_x123_
L c_u_x124_
L c_u_x125_
L c_u_x126_
L c_u_x127_
L c_u_x128_
L c_u_x129_
L c_u_x130_
L c_u_x131_
L c_u_x132_
L c_u_x133_
L c_u_x134_
L c_u_x135_
L c_u_x136_
L c_u_x137_
L c_u_x138_
L c_u_x139_
L c_u_x140_
L c_u_x141_
L c_u_x142_
L c_u_x143_
L c_u_x144_
L c_u_x145_
L c_u_x146_
L c_u_x147_
L c_u_x148_
L c_u_x149_
L c_u_x150_
L c_u_x151_
L c_u_x152_
L c_u_x153_
L c_u_x154_
L c_u_x155_
L c_u_x156_
L c_u_x157_
L c_u_x158_
L c_u_x159_
L c_u_x160_
L c_u_x161_
L c_u_x162_
L c_u_x163_
L c_u_x164_
L c_u_x165_
L c_u_x166_
L c_u_x167_
L c_u_x168_
L c_u_x169_
L c_u_x170_
L c_u_x171_
L c_u_x172_
L c_u_x173_
L c_u_x174_
L c_u_x175_
L c_u_x176_
L c_u_x177_
L c_u_x178_
L c_u_x179_
L c_u_x180_
L c_u_x181_
L c_u_x182_
L c_u_x183_
G c_l_x184_
G c_l_x185_
G c_l_x186_
G c_l_x187_
G c_l_x188_
G c_l_x189_
G c_l_x190_
G c_l_x191_
L c_u_x192_
L c_u_x193_
L c_u_x194_
L c_u_x195_
x12 OBJ -100
x12 c_u_x80_ 1
x12 c_l_x88_ 1
x12 c_e_x104_ 1
x12 c_u_x126_ 100
x13 OBJ -200
x13 c_u_x81_ 1
x13 c_l_x89_ 1
x13 c_e_x105_ 1
x13 c_u_x114_ 100
x13 c_u_x117_ -100
x13 c_u_x126_ 200
x14 OBJ -300
x14 c_u_x82_ 1
x14 c_l_x90_ 1
x14 c_e_x106_ 1
x14 c_u_x114_ 20
x14 c_u_x117_ -20
x14 c_u_x126_ 300
x15 OBJ -400
x15 c_u_x83_ 1
x15 c_l_x91_ 1
x15 c_e_x107_ 1
x15 c_u_x126_ 400
x16 OBJ -70
x16 c_u_x84_ 1
x16 c_l_x92_ 1
x16 c_e_x104_ 1
x16 c_u_x126_ 70
x17 OBJ -140
x17 c_u_x85_ 1
x17 c_l_x93_ 1
x17 c_e_x105_ 1
x17 c_u_x114_ 100
x17 c_u_x116_ -100
x17 c_u_x126_ 140
x18 OBJ -90
x18 c_u_x86_ 1
x18 c_l_x94_ 1
x18 c_e_x106_ 1
x18 c_u_x114_ 20
x18 c_u_x115_ -20
x18 c_u_x126_ 90
x19 OBJ -90
x19 c_u_x87_ 1
x19 c_l_x95_ 1
x19 c_e_x107_ 1
x19 c_u_x126_ 90
x1 c_u_x80_ -100
x1 c_u_x96_ 1
x1 c_u_x118_ 2
x1 c_u_x127_ -1000
x1 c_u_x143_ 1000
x1 c_u_x151_ -1000
x1 c_u_x167_ 1000
x2 c_u_x81_ -100
x2 c_u_x97_ 1
x2 c_u_x110_ -1
x2 c_u_x113_ 1
x2 c_u_x119_ 2
x2 c_u_x128_ -1000
x2 c_u_x144_ 1000
x2 c_u_x152_ -1000
x2 c_u_x168_ 1000
x3 c_u_x82_ -100
x3 c_u_x98_ 1
x3 c_u_x110_ -1
x3 c_u_x113_ 1
x3 c_u_x120_ 15
x3 c_u_x129_ -1000
x3 c_u_x145_ 1000
x3 c_u_x153_ -1000
x3 c_u_x169_ 1000
x4 c_u_x83_ -100
x4 c_u_x99_ 1
x4 c_u_x121_ 10
x4 c_u_x130_ -1000
x4 c_u_x146_ 1000
x4 c_u_x154_ -1000
x4 c_u_x170_ 1000
x5 c_u_x84_ -50
x5 c_u_x100_ 1
x5 c_u_x122_ 1.4
x5 c_u_x131_ -1000
x5 c_u_x147_ 1000
x5 c_u_x155_ -1000
x5 c_u_x171_ 1000
x6 c_u_x85_ -50
x6 c_u_x101_ 1
x6 c_u_x109_ -1
x6 c_u_x112_ 1
x6 c_u_x123_ 1.4
x6 c_u_x132_ -1000
x6 c_u_x148_ 1000
x6 c_u_x156_ -1000
x6 c_u_x172_ 1000
x7 c_u_x86_ -25
x7 c_u_x102_ 1
x7 c_u_x108_ -1
x7 c_u_x111_ 1
x7 c_u_x124_ 4.5
x7 c_u_x133_ -1000
x7 c_u_x149_ 1000
x7 c_u_x157_ -1000
x7 c_u_x173_ 1000
x8 c_u_x87_ -25
x8 c_u_x103_ 1
x8 c_u_x125_ 2.25
x8 c_u_x134_ -1000
x8 c_u_x150_ 1000
x8 c_u_x158_ -1000
x8 c_u_x174_ 1000
x9 c_u_x108_ 1
x9 c_u_x111_ -2
x9 c_u_x115_ 1260
x9 c_u_x175_ -1000
x9 c_u_x181_ 1000
x10 c_u_x109_ 1
x10 c_u_x112_ -2
x10 c_u_x116_ 1260
x10 c_u_x176_ -1000
x10 c_u_x182_ 1000
x11 c_u_x110_ 1
x11 c_u_x113_ -2
x11 c_u_x117_ 1260
x11 c_u_x177_ -1000
x11 c_u_x183_ 1000
x24 c_u_x118_ -1
x24 c_u_x122_ -1
x24 c_u_x126_ -2550
x24 c_l_x184_ -50
x24 c_l_x188_ -50
x24 c_u_x192_ 1
x25 c_u_x119_ -1
x25 c_u_x123_ -1
x25 c_u_x126_ -5100
x25 c_l_x185_ -100
x25 c_l_x189_ -100
x25 c_u_x193_ 1
x26 c_u_x120_ -1
x26 c_u_x124_ -1
x26 c_u_x126_ -1020
x26 c_l_x186_ -20
x26 c_l_x190_ -20
x26 c_u_x194_ 1
x27 c_u_x121_ -1
x27 c_u_x125_ -1
x27 c_u_x126_ -2040
x27 c_l_x187_ -40
x27 c_l_x191_ -40
x27 c_u_x195_ 1
x48 c_u_x126_ 6072
x48 c_l_x185_ 100
x48 c_l_x186_ 20
x48 c_l_x189_ 100
x48 c_l_x190_ 20
x60 c_u_x126_ 100
x60 c_u_x127_ 1
x60 c_u_x135_ 1
x60 c_u_x143_ -1
x61 c_u_x126_ 100
x61 c_u_x128_ 1
x61 c_u_x136_ 1
x61 c_u_x144_ -1
x62 c_u_x126_ 100
x62 c_u_x129_ 1
x62 c_u_x137_ 1
x62 c_u_x145_ -1
x63 c_u_x126_ 100
x63 c_u_x130_ 1
x63 c_u_x138_ 1
x63 c_u_x146_ -1
x64 c_u_x126_ 50
x64 c_u_x131_ 1
x64 c_u_x139_ 1
x64 c_u_x147_ -1
x65 c_u_x126_ 50
x65 c_u_x132_ 1
x65 c_u_x140_ 1
x65 c_u_x148_ -1
x66 c_u_x126_ 25
x66 c_u_x133_ 1
x66 c_u_x141_ 1
x66 c_u_x149_ -1
x67 c_u_x126_ 25
x67 c_u_x134_ 1
x67 c_u_x142_ 1
x67 c_u_x150_ -1
x76 c_u_x126_ -1260
x76 c_u_x175_ 1
x76 c_u_x178_ 1
x76 c_u_x181_ -1
x77 c_u_x126_ -1260
x77 c_u_x176_ 1
x77 c_u_x179_ 1
x77 c_u_x182_ -1
x78 c_u_x126_ -1260
x78 c_u_x177_ 1
x78 c_u_x180_ 1
x78 c_u_x183_ -1
x32 c_u_x135_ -1
x32 c_u_x143_ 1
x32 c_l_x184_ 1
x33 c_u_x136_ -1
x33 c_u_x144_ 1
x33 c_l_x185_ 1
x34 c_u_x137_ -1
x34 c_u_x145_ 1
x34 c_l_x186_ 1
x35 c_u_x138_ -1
x35 c_u_x146_ 1
x35 c_l_x187_ 1
x36 c_u_x139_ -1
x36 c_u_x147_ 1
x36 c_l_x188_ 1
x37 c_u_x140_ -1
x37 c_u_x148_ 1
x37 c_l_x189_ 1
x38 c_u_x141_ -1
x38 c_u_x149_ 1
x38 c_l_x190_ 1
x39 c_u_x142_ -1
x39 c_u_x150_ 1
x39 c_l_x191_ 1
x68 c_u_x151_ 1
x68 c_u_x159_ 1
x68 c_u_x167_ -1
x69 c_u_x152_ 1
x69 c_u_x160_ 1
x69 c_u_x168_ -1
x70 c_u_x153_ 1
x70 c_u_x161_ 1
x70 c_u_x169_ -1
x71 c_u_x154_ 1
x71 c_u_x162_ 1
x71 c_u_x170_ -1
x72 c_u_x155_ 1
x72 c_u_x163_ 1
x72 c_u_x171_ -1
x73 c_u_x156_ 1
x73 c_u_x164_ 1
x73 c_u_x172_ -1
x74 c_u_x157_ 1
x74 c_u_x165_ 1
x74 c_u_x173_ -1
x75 c_u_x158_ 1
x75 c_u_x166_ 1
x75 c_u_x174_ -1
x40 c_u_x159_ -1
x40 c_u_x167_ 1
x40 c_l_x184_ -1
x41 c_u_x160_ -1
x41 c_u_x168_ 1
x41 c_l_x185_ -1
x42 c_u_x161_ -1
x42 c_u_x169_ 1
x42 c_l_x186_ -1
x43 c_u_x162_ -1
x43 c_u_x170_ 1
x43 c_l_x187_ -1
x44 c_u_x163_ -1
x44 c_u_x171_ 1
x44 c_l_x188_ -1
x45 c_u_x164_ -1
x45 c_u_x172_ 1
x45 c_l_x189_ -1
x46 c_u_x165_ -1
x46 c_u_x173_ 1
x46 c_l_x190_ -1
x47 c_u_x166_ -1
x47 c_u_x174_ 1
x47 c_l_x191_ -1
x49 c_u_x178_ -1
x49 c_u_x181_ 1
x49 c_l_x190_ -20
x50 c_u_x179_ -1
x50 c_u_x182_ 1
x50 c_l_x189_ -100
x51 c_u_x180_ -1
x51 c_u_x183_ 1
x51 c_l_x185_ -100
x51 c_l_x186_ -20
RHS1 c_u_x96_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x97_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x98_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x99_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x100_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x101_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x102_ 1
RHS1 c_u_x103_ 1
RHS1 c_e_x104_ 51
RHS1 c_e_x105_ 51
RHS1 c_e_x106_ 51
RHS1 c_e_x107_ 51
RHS1 c_u_x114_ 6072
RHS1 c_u_x143_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x144_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x145_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x146_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x147_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x148_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x149_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x150_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x167_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x168_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x169_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x170_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x171_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x172_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x173_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x174_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x181_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x182_ 1000
RHS1 c_u_x183_ 1000
RHS1 c_l_x184_ -100
RHS1 c_l_x185_ -200
RHS1 c_l_x186_ -300
RHS1 c_l_x187_ -400
RHS1 c_l_x188_ -70
RHS1 c_l_x189_ -140
RHS1 c_l_x190_ -90
RHS1 c_l_x191_ -90
RHS1 c_u_x192_ 2
RHS1 c_u_x193_ 2
RHS1 c_u_x194_ 15
RHS1 c_u_x195_ 10
BV BND1 x1
BV BND1 x2
BV BND1 x3
BV BND1 x4
BV BND1 x5
BV BND1 x6
BV BND1 x7
BV BND1 x8
BV BND1 x9
BV BND1 x10
BV BND1 x11
FR BND1 x24
FR BND1 x25
FR BND1 x26
FR BND1 x27
EDIT 2: I've been able to produce a second program with the same issue
EDIT 3: Using the *.lp (instead of *.mps) with stand alone cbc, I indeed obtain a similar result as Kuifje (problem is infeasible according to cbc). Might it be that the problem comes from pyomo?