I'm working on an optimization problem with a non-linear objective function of the form $$\max\prod_{i=1}^{n}(1-a_{i}x_{i}).$$
The objective function represents the combined probability of success for a series of independent stochastic trials.
I assert that this is equivalent to the linear objective function $$\min \sum_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}x_{i}$$ where
$a_{i}$ are constant weights (failure rate) in the range $(0,1]$ (the assertion breaks down if any $a_{i}=0$);
$x_{i}$ are binary variables.
The assertion is true for the small set of cases that I've tested. That is, the optimal set of $x_{i}$ variables is the same for both forms of the objective function.
But is the assertion true in general? Why / why not?