I'm not sure exactly what you mean by Operations Research framework, but I'll interpret a mathematical treatment, heavy on O.R. and optimization material, as fitting the bill.
The book Mathematical Methods and Theory in Games, Programming, and Economics, 1st Edition: Matrix Games, Programming, and Mathematical Economics, by Samuel Karlin was published in 1959. An oldie but goodie. This is not a book on "Game Theory applied to Revenue Management", however. But it should provide a solid foundation which you can supplement with more recent material.
When I was taking a course in Total Positivity from Karlin in Fall 1980, somehow the topic of Game Theory came up.
Karlin: "Game Theory. You have two nonnegative sigma-finite measures ..."
Then he mentioned this book, which was 21 years old at the time. "It should be out of date, but it isn't."