Where is the line when an approach is called multi-objective optimization? For example:
Presume I want to optimize an optimization problem, for example nurse rostering, with 2 soft constraints:
- Constraint A) for employee happiness: number of rejected "day off requests"
- Constraint B) for service quality: number of shifts that match the employee's affinity
Now, I don't know yet if A) is a higher priority than B) or visa versa.
If - instead of running an optimization to come up with a pareto front - I run a normal solver twice:
- Solve once with weights
A=1 and B=1000
- Solve again with weights
A=1000 and B=1
and then allow the user to pick from these two simulations the solution which he/she prefers.
Would you still call this approach multi-objective solving? What does the literature say?