I didn't find a way to express the transition constraints so i give a description what this does and mention what it lacks.
using JuMP
using Gurobi #needs Gurobi license but any other MILP solver callable from JuMP should work too## Heading ##
using UnicodePlots
are dependencies. I used UnicodePlots for debugging. It is neat. In Julia dependencies can be installed via ]add JuMP
in the Julia shell. Gurobi also needs to be installed and have a license. Another solver like should also do the trick. Learn more here .
workers = [
10 5;
10 5;
10 5;
10 5;
10 5;
50 5;
tasks = [
3000 1 600; #out of bounds if 0
3600 1 600;
1800 1 600;
1200 10 600;
3300 15 600;
3000 20 600;
3600 30 600;
1800 100 600;
1200 100 600;
3300 120 600;
sim_time = 600; #needs to be bigger or equal than the last time stamp
Is the problem information you provided. It could have also been stored in structures, dictionaries but i went with arrays for simplicity
model = Model(Gurobi.Optimizer)
@variable(model, workspeed[1:(size(workers)[1]), 1:(size(tasks)[1]), 1:sim_time], lower_bound = 0)
for i=1:(size(workers)[1])
@constraint(model, workspeed[i,:,:] .<= workers[i,1])
Since worker top speed differs there is no good way to define all upper bound at once. Here i broadcast the lesser or equal constraint over all workspeed
of an particular worker.
@constraint(model,sum(workspeed,dims=(1,2)).<=p) #the sum over all dimensions expect time, the total work at each time point
This define the objective which is the lowest maximum over all work happening at any time point.
@variable(model, work_done[1:(size(tasks)[1]), 1:sim_time], lower_bound = 0)
for i=1:(size(tasks)[1])
for j=1:tasks[i,2]
@constraint(model, work_done[i,j] == 0)
for j=(tasks[i,3]):sim_time
@constraint(model, work_done[i,j] >= tasks[i,1])
for t=1:(sim_time-1)
@constraint(model, work_done[:,t+1] .== work_done[:,t] .+ sum(workspeed,dims=1)[1,:,t])
This block could be almost removed and i think Gurobi does that during presolve sometimes. sum([ workspeed[:,i,t] for t=(tasks[i,2]):(tasks[i,3])]) >= tasks[i,1]
or something similar could do the trick and eliminate the necessity for work_done
completely. This block makes sure that work on tasks is not started early or finishes late.
for t=1:(sim_time-1)
for w=1:(size(workers)[1])
@constraint(model, -workers[w,2] .<= workspeed[w,:,t+1] .- workspeed[w,:,t] .<= workers[w,2] ) # different ramp down?
constrains the growth/decline of the all individual workspeeds. In the previous version i had constrained the sum instead which allowed the solver to keep production speed when switching tasks. Now that this constraint is enforced properly, switching can still happen for free and instantly when production speed is <= the wind_up without down time.
@variable(model, workson[1:(size(workers)[1]), 1:(size(tasks)[1]), 1:sim_time], Bin)
@variable(model, worksonatall[1:(size(workers)[1]), 1:(size(tasks)[1])], Bin)
These binary variables are responsible for enforcing the scheduling logic. If a worker n
ever works task t
will be true. While forcing certain values to false can be used to forbid people from working on something, it would be more smart to not generate the backbone in workspeed
and other places. While presolve might remove it would be better not to generate it at all.
Note that without this logic a linear program would result which could be solved a lot faster.
for i=1:(size(workers)[1])
@constraint(model, workspeed[i,:,:] .<= workers[i,1] * workson[i,:,:] )
This ensures that if a worker works on some task at some time that this information is available as a boolean.
@constraint(model, sim_time*worksonatall[:,:] .>= sum(workson,dims=3)[:,:,1]) # any
@constraint(model, sum(workson,dims=3)[:,:,1] .>= worksonatall[:,:]) # any
This code established the relationship between workson
and worksonatall
the latter is the logical or over all time of workson
@constraint(model, sum(worksonatall, dims=1)[1,:] .== 1)
Every task can only ever be worked on by one worker.
for t=1:sim_time
for w=1:(size(workers)[1])
@constraint(model,sum(workson[w,:,t]) <= 1)
A worker can work at most at one task at a time.
@objective(model, Min, p)
Defines objective and hands problem to the solver.
Show which worker work on what which is useful for debugging.
I let the program run over night on my quadcore. Gurobi found an global optimum. The resulting array of workspeed is pasted here.
Here is an excerpt of the log for every time a new incumbent integer solution was found:
Nodes | Current Node | Objective Bounds | Work
Expl Unexpl | Obj Depth IntInf | Incumbent BestBd Gap | It/Node Time
* 2465 1985 731 43.7307033 43.07179 1.51% 421 1356s
H 2649 930 43.4719711 43.07179 0.92% 402 1884s
H 2877 601 43.2761578 43.07179 0.47% 422 1983s
H 2879 571 43.2646048 43.07179 0.45% 422 2321s
H 2879 543 43.2423208 43.07179 0.39% 422 2321s
H 2880 516 43.2367973 43.07179 0.38% 422 2762s
H 2888 495 43.2312925 43.07179 0.37% 421 6594s
H 2956 566 43.2282794 43.07179 0.36% 1065 13263s
H 2978 535 43.2033898 43.07179 0.30% 1141 13263s
H 3006 683 43.1895093 43.07179 0.27% 1165 15293s
H 3340 1119 43.1725888 43.07179 0.23% 1567 16752s
H 3489 1048 43.1587838 43.07179 0.20% 1591 16752s
H 4936 1195 43.1418919 43.07179 0.16% 1459 18634s
H 4963 1148 43.1165541 43.07179 0.10% 1461 19244s
H 9711 972 43.1008403 43.07179 0.07% 1470 27005s
H11482 430 43.0904523 43.07179 0.04% 1498 29415s
H12431 220 43.0717863 43.07179 0.00% 1513 31324s
The resulting objective is 43.071786310517524.
workspeed by workers over time
workspeed on tasks over time
We see that the tasks in the current formulation can get resumed later. The easiest way to achieve no resumes would be to constrain the sum of xors between successive workson to be 2 and to set initial workspeed to 0 for all workers, alternatively or with some amount related to the sum of workson could work to. At the moment worker 6 starts with the maximal work speed. This would almost double the amount of binary values though and make the search space less relaxed. See here how to do or and xor. However i think there should be a better solution.
work_done on tasks over time
sum of workspeed over time