Hell everyone I have been trying to read through this forum for the methodology to approach a graph/network problem. The idea is I have an undirected graph, and every node is capable of talking to any node it wants through any path. Give a set of source nodes and set of sink nodes, I need to find the minimum number of nodes to remove that will sever all source nodes from all sink nodes.
I have been trying to read a lot on the Min Cut (s-t) max flow problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply it to a scenario with multiple sources / sinks.
I have a set of MATLAB code below that creates a pseudo-random graph as an example. So I need to figure out which nodes to remove so green can not reach red.
*Note that both red and green nodes are allowed to be transition nodes for other pathways as well.
close all;clearvars;clc
% Create an Example undirected/unweighted graph
nNodes = 15; % number of nodes
pLink = 0.08; % probabilitiy off link between to verticies
adjMat = rand(nNodes) <= pLink; % Create adjaceny matrix
adjMat(eye(nNodes)==1) = false; % Remove any self loops or connetions
adjMat = (adjMat + adjMat')/2; % Make adjaceny matrix symetric
good_graph = all(sum(adjMat)>=1); % Also to check all nodes are connected
while ~good_graph %Loop until good graph
adjMat = rand(nNodes) <= pLink; % Create adjaceny matrix
adjMat(eye(nNodes)==1) = false; % Remove any self loops or connetions
adjMat = (adjMat + adjMat')/2; % Make adjaceny matrix symetric
good_graph = all(sum(adjMat)>=1); % Also to check all nodes are connected
G = graph(adjMat); %Create Graph
% Number of random source and sink nodes
nSource = 4;
nSink = 2;
nodeList = 1:nNodes;
SourceList = randperm(length(nodeList));
SourceList = SourceList(1:nSource);
nodeList(any(nodeList == SourceList')) = []; %Remove source nodes
SinkList = randperm(length(nodeList));
SinkList = nodeList(SinkList(1:nSink));
%% Plot Graph
gg = plot(G,'Layout','layered' ); % plot graph - Also to check all nodes are connected