I have the following constraint and would like to know if it can be modelled like this.
$$\sum_{t\in T}\sum_{j=k}^{k+5}q_{itj}\geq 3\cdot\left( 1-\sum_{j=k}^{k+5}r_{ij} \right) \forall i\in I, k\geq K_i^{init}$$
I have the set $I$ (persons), $T$ (machine) and $K$ (day). $q_{itk}$ indicates whether the machine is worked on by the person on the day ($q_{itk}=1$). $r_{ik}$ indicates whether the person has worked for the last time on this day ($r_{ik}=1$ if yes). Now I want to make sure that as long as the person has not worked for the last time, they work at least 3 times within a 6-day window. In doing so, $r_{ik}$ can only have the value 1 once, so $\sum_{k\in K}r_{ik}=1 \forall i \in I$. In addition, each worker has a first working day $K_i^{init}$, so it should only apply to this and all subsequent days. Is the modelling correct?