Edit: The following code passes without errors. However, contrary to Erling's mention below, dualization was not needed. Is this a correct implementation?
from mosek.fusion import *
import mosek.fusion.pythonic
import numpy as np
# Define the dimensions
n = 4
p = 3
m = 2
q = 2
# Generate random fixed data for the problem
E = np.random.randn(n, p)
A = np.random.randn(p, p)
A = (A + A.T) / 2 # Make A symmetric
B = np.random.randn(p, p)
B = (B + B.T) / 2 # Make B symmetric
F = np.random.randn(q, m)
a = np.random.randn(q)
b = np.random.randn(q)
# Create a new model
with Model("example") as M:
# Define the variables
X = M.variable("X", Domain.inPSDCone(n))
x = M.variable("x", m, Domain.unbounded())
nu = M.variable("nu", 1, Domain.unbounded())
lam = M.variable("lambda", 1, Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
# PSD constraint: E^T X E + lambda * A + nu * B >= 0
M.constraint("psd_constraint", E.T @ X @ E + lam[0] * A + nu[0] * B, Domain.inPSDCone())
# Linear equality constraint: Fx + lambda * a + nu * b = 0
M.constraint("linear_constraint", F @ x + lam[0] * a + nu[0] * b, Domain.equalsTo(0.0))
# Solve the problem
# Retrieve and print the solution
X_sol = X.level()
x_sol = x.level()
nu_sol = nu.level()
lam_sol = lam.level()
print("Solution X:\n", np.array(X_sol).reshape((n, n)))
print("Solution x:", x_sol)
print("Solution nu:",nu_sol[0])
print("Solution lambda:", lam_sol[0])