Thanks to everyone who answered this question for introducing the concept of polynomial programming.
From there I have found two papers that link cubic programming to convex programming, and provide some applications of cubic programming problem.
In this paper, indefinite cubic programming is considered. The general structure of the problem is given as \begin{array}{ll}
\max & \left({\bf c^\top x}-{\bf x^\top} P{\bf x}-({\bf x^\top} Q{\bf x})^{\frac12}+\alpha\right)({\bf d^\top x}+\beta)\\
\text{s.t.} & A\bf x\preceq b \\
\text{and} & \bf x \ge 0
\end{array} where the expression to be optimised is a product of a quadratic term and a linear term. The change of variable ${\bf y}=t{\bf x}$ is introduced, and it is proven that the problem can be reduced to a convex programming one: \begin{array}{ll}
\min & \dfrac{t^2}{{\bf c^\top y}-\frac{{\bf y^\top}P{\bf y}}t-({\bf y^\top}Q{\bf y})^{\frac12}+\alpha t}\\
\text{s.t.} & A{\bf y}-{\bf b}t\le\bf0 \\
\text{and} & {\bf{d^\top y}}+\beta t=1\\
\text{and}&t,\bf x \ge 0
\end{array} Finally, the problem is also considered with both terms being quadratic and a similar form is derived.
In this paper, the convex simplex method is applied to cubic objective functions. Applications of cubic objective functions are provided below.
Portfolio selection: maximising the expected utility of an investor; that is, finding $\max(AX+BX^2+CX^3)$ subject to $X=\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\alpha_iR_i$ and $\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\alpha_i=1$.
Agricultural research: maximising crop yield when fertiliser amount or type changes; that is, finding $\max(a_1x+a_2y+a_3z+a_4xy+a_5xz+a_6yz+a_7xyz)$ subject to $$\begin{cases}C_xx+C_yy+C_zz\le C\\x_0\le x\le x_1\\y_0\le y\le y_1\\z_0\le z\le z_1\end{cases}$$ for fertiliser amounts $x,y,z$ and their respective costs $C_x,C_y,C_z$.
[1] Bector, C. R. (1968). Indefinite cubic programming with standard errors in objective function. Unternehmensforschung. 12(1):113-120.
[2] Henin, C., Doutriaux, J. (1980). A specialization of the convex simplex method to cubic programming. Rivista di matematica per le scienze economiche e sociali. 3(2):61-72.