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mtanneau's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 11 months
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5 votes

What approximation is guarantees when solving an LP with floating-point numbers?

0 votes

Multi-precision linear programming solver in C++

1 vote

Differentiability of solution of optimization problem with respect to constraint (properties, conditions etc)

9 votes

Why is the tailing off effect only a problem in column generation?

3 votes

What are the key pros and cons to mention when asked why one prefer Julia over Python in OR-research-industry interviews and vice-versa?

3 votes

Reoptimization with GLPK in Julia/JuMP

4 votes

Problems involve exponential equality constraints

1 vote

Connected optimization problems

5 votes

Maximize the minimal distance between true variables in a list

1 vote

Is there an efficient/polynomial way to detect/determine whether a polyhedon contains at least an integer point?

4 votes

Dantzig-Wolfe vs Benders Decomposition on the dual problem - Computational differences

5 votes

Projection to sublevel sets of convex/strongly convex function

10 votes

Ideal programming language for an operations researcher

11 votes

Quadratic constraints in JuMP

2 votes

general approach to iterating extreme rays of solution cone

1 vote

Is there any way to generate all the possible undirected graphs with unlabeled nodes?

2 votes

CPLEX solver, parallelism, solver parameter settings

2 votes

Training ML models to be used as objectives in optimization problems

8 votes

Quadratically constrained convex optimization

12 votes

Julia JuMP successive optimization

8 votes

Detect Numerical Instability with Large-scale optimization problems

6 votes

If you can not take the derivative of your objective function - is "convexity" irrelevant?

33 votes

Why is open source operations research software so far behind open source statistics and machine learning software?

3 votes

Does a pre-calculated lower bound of an MILP problem help?

4 votes

Are decomposition methods applicable on large linear programs?

10 votes

How to determine different gap rates?

4 votes

Assert the existence of a point with the following property in P time

4 votes

Transformations that leave the linear program unchanged

3 votes

Convex optimization on the unit hypercube with gradients and a bounded minimum

20 votes

Linear Optimization Library for C++ with GPU Support