12 votes

Loss functions for specific probability distributions?

There is indeed a paper titled Loss Distributions that provides the limited expected value functions $L(x)$ for several probability distributions (on page 15). It is directly related to the first-...
ə̷̶̸͇̘̜́̍͗̂̄︣͟'s user avatar
11 votes

How can I model regression with an asymmetric loss function?

I suspect you want to minimize $\sum\limits_i \left[k_1\max(e_i,0)^2 + k_2\max(-e_i,0)^2\right]$. For instance, $a=0.5$ would correspond to $k_1 = 0.25$ and $k_2 = 2.25$). This can be formulated as a ...
Johan Löfberg's user avatar
7 votes

Loss functions for specific probability distributions?

Article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369926923_Loss_functions_for_inventory_control Let $L_1(r)$, $L_c(r)$ and $L_2(r)$ be the first-order, complementary and second-order loss functions ...
Steven01123581321's user avatar
3 votes

clarification on the definition of loss function

We want to measure the quality of a solution, that is given two solutions, $x, y \in A$, I want to tell if $x$ is a better solution than $y$. Real numbered as an ordered field enable us to compare two ...
Siong Thye Goh's user avatar

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