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12 votes

Will there be Rust APIs for state-of-the-art solvers?

The upcoming 10.1 version of Mosek includes a fully documented Rust API. It is currently in beta mode. At our GitHub page you find more info about Rust and Mosek.
ErlingMOSEK's user avatar
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11 votes

What is the difference between optimization software APIs based on performance and speed?

The difference between a C++ and Python API can be massive, but it also depends on the quality of the Python implementation. A key factor to consider when setting expectations, is the way the API is ...
Nikos Kazazakis's user avatar
9 votes

How to reduce an LP problem already in its standard form?

Concept The tools you are referring to are commonly called presolvers. Resources (Implementation) / Availability Every optimization software makes use of those (to improve performance, but also ...
sascha's user avatar
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8 votes

Will there be Rust APIs for state-of-the-art solvers?

This is what @mattmilten mentioned in the Gurobi forum. There is no official native Rust API for Gurobi, yet. There are tool to generate C bindings for Rust that you may be able to use to call the ...
A.Omidi's user avatar
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8 votes

Does the API affect the time Gurobi requires to find an optimum?

In addition to @Richard's answer: The time for setting up the model, i.e. declaring variables and constraints, surely depends on the programming language you use. After the model is ready, solving ...
JakobS's user avatar
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8 votes

Does the API affect the time Gurobi requires to find an optimum?

Once it’s passed to the underlying C library, it does not matter which API it came from. However, there may be some overhead when you are retrieving the solution through the API (for the same reasons ...
Richard's user avatar
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6 votes

Deploying OR Model as an API

I have made OR models accessible through APIs on Kubernetes before. It isn't too hard, no pickling involved. In general, the steps aren't unique for an OR model API, but there might be a few things to ...
Walter Sebastian Gisler's user avatar
5 votes

What is the difference between optimization software APIs based on performance and speed?

Python is a "slow" programming language because it is interpreted (at least CPython is), so in OR-Tools, for example, that impacts the model building speed if the model is big enough or your logic ...
Stradivari's user avatar
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5 votes

Google API Distance Matrix

The distance depends on the shortest path, which further depends on the departure time from the origin. From the documentation of Distance API [1] "Note: If departure time is not specified, ...
Pramesh Kumar's user avatar
4 votes

Mosek Fusion APIs

The second line in the table at has all the Fusion manuals. For instance is what you are looking for ...
ErlingMOSEK's user avatar
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4 votes

Deploying OR Model as an API

I think in your case you have to separate between the data and the model. The model itself is part of the service in some way. Either you hard code it into the service or you have some sort of ...
Daniel Junglas's user avatar
3 votes

Deploying OR Model as an API

As you have noticed there are ready-made services available for ML but not for OR. You will have to roll your own. You can get a feel for the architecture requirements by looking at the code and REST ...
ktnr's user avatar
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3 votes

Deploying OR Model as an API

I am unsure what exactly you want to pickle. Is the user posting data to your endpoint (the flask service)? In that case you probably need to re-run the algorithm. In machine learning the model is ...
Tue Christensen's user avatar
3 votes

Deploying OR Model as an API

Perhaps, you will find some software we built useful. Provides a REST API for interacting with optimization models.
James Merrick's user avatar
2 votes

Using CPLEX in C++, how can I efficiently alter the objective function and then resolve the problem?

In your current code, benefitOfZ is a scalar constant and Z[i] is a scalar variable. To use ...
prubin's user avatar
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2 votes

How to understand the basis of LP problems given by HiGHS solver?

Here is the enum documentation: But you have to infer that kLower is ...
Oscar Dowson's user avatar
1 vote

How to set solver options in Pyomo with GAMS Python API?

Which options to use The problem is that the "time limit" is not handled by Pyomo (which just connects to a solver), but by the solver itself. Different solvers have different names for &...
Zach Siegel's user avatar

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