Assuming your customers are $N =\{1,2,...5 \}$ while nodes $N+\{0\}$, subtour elimination constraint involves

$(3,1)$ and $(4,5)$\
$y_1 + 16 \le y_3 \le 19 = (35-16)$ and\
$y_5 + 11 \le y_4 \le 12$

$y_4 \le y_5 + 12$ 
since in your code you are still missing $x_{i,j}d_{j}$. you are using only $d_j$ which is still ok.

also all $y_s$ are bounded by $\{1:14, 2:5,3:19,4:12,5:24 \}$

Since the model sense is 'min' & thogh it applies to the objective value that doesn't include $y$ but since $y_5 =[0,1]$ solver chooses $y_5 = 0$ and that bounds $11 \le y_4 \le 12$, allowed min values for decision variables.