As it will become apparent, my field is not operation-research and so this question will sound very naive. I am sorry for that. I have a set of "buildings" that I want to place on a small 2d grid; one per cell only. There is a non-linear objective function that accounts for adjacency effects as well as a score for each building. Problem right now is small enough that I can brute force it, but I would like to read more about this general class of combinatorial problems. I've tried reading about 0-1 Knapsack problems and bin-packing but none of them seem to deal or care about adjacency effects. Is there a better term/class for this kind of problems? ---------------- To try and narrow down the problem, let's just say the objective function is just the "value" associated with each building + some bonus/malus if two buildings are next to each other (i.e. the police station is worth 1 point, the prison is worth 2 points and you get a bonus of one point if they are next to each other)