Cost: 100,99

Read Speed: 545,550

Write Speed: 525,520

Warranty: 3,4

This means that there are 2 products that cost $100$ and $99$. Their read speed is 545 MB/s and 550 MB/s. Their write speed is 525 MB/s and 520 MB/s respectively. Their warranty is 3 years and 4 years respectively. Now, I need to choose the best product between the two.

What technique do I use to solve this? This is just a dummy problem because I want to learn the technique to solve these kinds of problems for bigger scales like 50 different products.

I've been told that under given circumstances this problem isn't solvable. Say, I put constraints like:

write speed>500

read speed>520



Is this solvable now? If yes, how? I've been getting told that this could be solved by linear programming. I've a background in engineering mathematics so if you can provide some insights, hopefully, I can solve this problem.