The subtour elimination constraints are not correct, they are mostly empty. Try to debug the callback calls, as you can see also from the log, none of lazy constraints are applied. You can: - use callbacks to enumerate and forbid all cycles for a given forklift (maximum of `max_no_cycles` for each `k`). This is what the [last comment][1] in the thread where you got the subtour elimination code suggested. This is very expensive for large graphs. - Use MTZ constraints. Here it is using MTZ constraints (disregarding the `y` constraints): code modified from [Kuifje02/vrpy/:vrpy/]( ``` import math import random import gurobipy as gp from gurobipy import GRB import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt n = 100 # number of items to pick, equivalent to number of locations to visit K = 3 # number of fork-lifts to use # Create n random points points = [(0, 0)] points += [(random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)) for i in range(n - 1)] # Dictionary of Manhattan distance between each pair of points dist = { (i, j): math.sqrt(sum((points[i][p] - points[j][p]) ** 2 for p in range(2))) for i in range(n) for j in range(n) if i != j } # Create graph G = nx.DiGraph() for k, v in dist.items(): if k[0] == 0: i = "Source" else: i = k[0] if k[1] == 0: j = "Sink" else: j = k[1] G.add_edge(i, j, dist=v) m = gp.Model() # Create variables: x_keys = {(e[0], e[1], k): e[2]["dist"] for e in G.edges(data=True) for k in range(K)} x = m.addVars( x_keys, obj=x_keys, vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x", ) # Visit all nodes for j in G.nodes(): if j not in ["Source", "Sink"]: pred = list(G.predecessors(j)) m.addConstr(gp.quicksum(x[i, j, k] for i in pred for k in range(K)) >= 1) # Flow-balance for v in G.nodes(): if v not in ["Source", "Sink"]: m.addConstrs( gp.quicksum(x[i, v, k] for i in G.predecessors(v)) - gp.quicksum(x[v, j, k] for j in G.successors(v)) == 0 for k in range(K) ) # All k's must start at Source m.addConstrs( gp.quicksum(x["Source", j, k] for j in G.successors("Source")) == 1 for k in range(K) ) # All k's must end at Sink m.addConstrs( gp.quicksum(x[i, "Sink", k] for i in G.predecessors("Sink")) == 1 for k in range(K) ) # MTZ M = len(G.nodes()) # Add rank varibles z = m.addVars( [(v, k) for v in G.nodes() for k in range(K)], name="z", lb=0, ub=len(G.nodes()), vtype=GRB.INTEGER, ) # Add big-M constraints m.addConstrs( ( z[i, k] + 1 <= z[j, k] + M * (1 - x[i, j, k]) for k in range(K) for (i, j) in G.edges() ), name="elementary", ) # Source is first, Sink is last (optional) m.addConstrs((z["Source", k] == 0 for k in range(K)), name="Source_is_first") m.addConstrs( (z[v, k] <= z["Sink", k] for k in range(K) for v in G.nodes() if v != "Sink"), name="Sink_after_%s" % v, ) m.params.timelimit = 60 m.optimize() for k in range(K): print(f"{k=}") for i, j in G.edges(): if x[i, j, k].X > 0.0: print(f"\t{i}->{j}") ``` [1]: