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Questions tagged [simplex]

For questions related to the simplex method for linear programming (LP), which solves LPs optimally by moving iteratively from in corner point of the feasible region to a better one.

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2 votes
1 answer

Is the Network Simplex Algorithm Efficient for Mixed Binary and Linear Flows in Network Flow Problems?

I'm working on a network flow problem where the flow on all edges originating from the source node must be binary. Beyond this initial stage, the flows can be linear, and given the capacities are ...
graphtheory123's user avatar
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Solving convex separable programming problem using interior point method?

In my engineering application, all decision variables are non-negative and everything is convex separable. In addition to that, the only function that I am trying to approximate with grid point are $f(...
Tuong Nguyen Minh's user avatar
0 votes
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Proof of Dual Simplex Ratio Test

I have been trying to find proof of the ratio test for Dual Simplex, that is, selecting the variable that enters the base. Specifically, I was interested in knowing why by making that choice, reduced ...
user23004030's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

The dual values and change in the variables values

For a constraint as Ax <= b, the dual shows the change in the objective function if the RHS increases by 1 unit. Now my question is that how we can determine how the optimal values will change by 1 ...
Junior MIP's user avatar
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why the -1 in basis column for simplex tableau?

When I look at the tableau generated by Gurobi for a simple 3D problem with five constraints, I get this: I expected to not have a -1 in basis columns 4, 5, 6 (referring to slack variables 1, 2, 3 if ...
Brannon's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle strict inequalities?

Perhaps two trivial questions: What kind of problem is the following (please note the strict inequality)? How do we solve it? $$\min_{x\geq 0}\{c^\top x: Ax < b\}$$
k88074's user avatar
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Simplex algorithm for stochastic constraints?

The OR-Notes by J E Beasley states: Hence the problem: minimise 5x+6y subject to: Prob(a1x + a2y >= 3) >= 1-alpha x,y >= 0 ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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Block Simplex Algorithm, i.e., Block Active Set for Linear Programming

What investigation has there been of Block Simplex Algorithms, i.e., block active set for Linear Programming, i.e., block pivoting? This is a follow-up to Why do active set methods or the simplex ...
Mark L. Stone's user avatar
1 vote
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explain Givens rotation chain for maintaining Cholesky factorization

I'm attempting to implement the dual face algorithm from Pan's book chapter 22 ( The part in question is pasted here: Can you please explain ...
Brannon's user avatar
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1 answer

Are there two types of 'slack variables'?

In simplex algorithm, in order to handle inequation constraints, we need to convert them into equations by introducing so-called 'slack variables', like $$ \mathbf{a}^T\mathbf{x} + b \leq 0\quad\...
xd y's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Short cuts when using the simplex algorithm

I haven't really kept myself up to date with research on the simplex algorithm for several years. I have taught linear programming, but it has not focused on the cutting edge of things. I remember ...
Sune's user avatar
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1 answer

Computing simplex tableu for a given basis

I found the following problem in my book. I know that I can compute the simplex tableau , let's call it S for a basis X_b=(x_1, x2, x_5)^T as ...
tonythestark's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Any good write up for Dual simplex with boxed variables?

I was wondering if there is any write up that shows how to perform dual simplex with boxed variables where l <= x <= u and preferably with a small example (...
Morpheus's user avatar
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1 answer

Help me reproduce this tableau from the 'Integer Programming' book

From the Integer Programming book by Conforti et al, I've sniped the image below. At the bottom of this image there is the remnants of a tableau, presumably from several iterations of the simplex ...
Brannon's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Simplex method for multiple objectives

I am a user of Google OR Tools, which can interface with many LP & MIP solvers, plus it's own SAT based constraint programming solver. My question, in the context of OR-Tools, is: how should I ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Question regarding primal Simplex method

Given the following degenerate optimization problem \begin{align}\min&\quad c^Tx\\\text{s.t.}&\quad Ax=b,\\&\quad x\ge 0\end{align} Using primal simplex algorithm (either revised or ...
someone random's user avatar
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How to incorporate artificial variables into the revised simplex method

Seems like we can convert >= constraints to <=, either by multiplying by -1 or using variable substitution. But for ...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Finding a dual feasible basis for use with the dual simplex algorithm

I have learnt that the dual simplex method requires reduced costs to be non-negative or else it cannot be used. I wanted to know what could be done to find a dual feasible basis and came across this ...
Ram's user avatar
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Inconsistent teachings on how to choose a non basic variable to enter the basis (primal simplex)

During the primal simplex algorithm, a non-basic variable must be chosen to enter the basis. Many resources on the subject choose a variable based solely on its coefficient in the row of the tableau ...
Ram's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Column generation: decreasing value of restricted master problem

I am using column generation to solve a minimization problem. At a given iteration, my subproblem finds a column with reduced cost $-1$, and in the following restricted master problem, this new column ...
user123456's user avatar
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Simplex Method Manual pivoting in GLPK for a Warm Start

My question is kind of related to this 2015 post at Stackoverflow. About Simplex method tableau pivoting in Linear Programming -- this is proving to be difficult in GLPK.. I am using Linux, GLPK 5.0 ...
Shuxue Jiaoshou's user avatar
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SoPlex basis file format

I'm running SoPlex from the command line to solve some linear programming problems. I'd like to get the basis of the solution, so I use the --writebas flag. However,...
fmg's user avatar
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2 answers

Phase I of the simplex method and Farkas certificates

Phase I of the simplex method solves an auxiliary optimization problem to determine an initial basic feasible solution, or concludes that no such exists. Is there a way to use the solution of this ...
fmg's user avatar
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Upper bound on number of pivots to escape a degenerate point

Is it always possible to escape a degenerate point by a single pivot, or is it possible that several pivots are required? In other words is it possible to get away from a degenerate point by a single ...
gmn's user avatar
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How to make unconstrained variables non-negative (as in excel solver) in AMPL?

This is a sequencing problem. I've got this variables ...
Don Quijote's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

Where is the original Dantzig Simplex 1947 paper?

I see from here and many other sources that Dantzig invented the Simplex method in 1947. After much searching, I found that the earliest publication is this in 1956. Does anyone know where the ...
jkschin's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Why are several of the decision variables zero at the corner point of a polytope?

I have the following equational Linear Program: \begin{align}\max&\quad c^T x\\\text{s.t.}&\quad Ax=b\\&\quad x\ge0\end{align} The matrix $A$ is $m\times n$, where $m\le n$, $c\in \mathbb{...
watchdogs132's user avatar
6 votes
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Dual instability, degeneracy, tailing off effect - Which are the causes and which are the effects?

Dual instability, degeneracy, and the tailing off effect are often mentioned together in papers. However, I cannot seem to find a clear explanation on which of these cause the other and vice versa? ...
gmn's user avatar
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Why is the tailing off effect only a problem in column generation?

Why is the tailing off effect only a problem in column generation? If all columns were pregenerated, and one used the simplex method, wouldn't one see the tailing off effect? Is it simply not an issue ...
gmn's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Can the primal Simplex Method walk all optima in linear time?

It's typical that the Simplex Method implementation exits once it finds an optimum value. However, if I want to find all optima that exist at extreme points (not those that exist along a face), is it ...
Brannon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why is it called the "Simplex" Algorithm/Method?

I have been trying to learn more about the Simplex Algorithm/Method. In particular, I am interested in knowing why this algorithm is called the "Simplex Algorithm". For instance, when ...
stats_noob's user avatar
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Interpretation of Reduced Costs

I am looking for an answer to a question I can't quite get behind. (continuation of Linear Programming: Integer and non-integer decision variables) I am given the following mathematical optimization ...
coar's user avatar
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1 answer

Linear Programming: Integer and non-integer decision variables

I am looking for an answer to a question I can't quite get behind. I am given the following mathematical optimization problem: \begin{align}\min&\quad\sum_{t\in T}s_t\cdot z_t+h_t\cdot i_t+p_t\...
coar's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Best way to add dummy to transportation problem? Zero cost will be always chosen first?

I know that an unbalanced transportation problem could be made a balanced transportation problem by adding a dummy node which equals the difference between demand and supply. In literature, dummy ...
learnPyt's user avatar
3 votes
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Transformations that leave the linear program unchanged

A typical linear program is written as $$L_0:\min_{x \geq 0; A^\top x \leq b}c^\top x.$$ Here, $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $c \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$, and $b \in \mathbb{R}^m$. ...
pg2455's user avatar
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3 answers

warmstarting simplex algorithm- how much can problems differ from each other?

I'm working on an implementation of the simplex algorithm. I want to solve problems in real time every 30 minutes. They could be interpreted as a classic transportation problem. I couldn't really say ...
ORpyhton's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

How Close Is Linear Programming Class to What Solvers Actually Implement for Pivot Algorithms

As part of a final project for my linear programming course, I have been asked to discuss implementations of pivot algorithms, including which combinations of the ideas we have talked about in class ...
Sean Kelley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Simplex (GLPK) doesn't find a feasible solution on this simple assignment problem, but there is an obvious one

Problem Assign 11 projects to 11 students, based on their preference. For this example, each students chooses only one project, for simplicity shake (as shown below). Student 1 one chooses project 1, ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
6 votes
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Provide basic solution to CLP

I'm using Pyomo to formulate an LP with approx 500,000 constraints and 200,000 decision variables. The LP is solved using CLP. Some instances fail to return even a feasible solution after many ...
dijkstraa's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Simplex algorithm and extreme points

For this question my short-hand is LP = linear program, BFS = basic feasible solution, SEF = standard equality form. Since the Simplex algorithm iterates from extreme point to extreme point (...
t42d's user avatar
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Simplex Multiplier

I am reading through a book which provides an example of a linear program given by \begin{align}\min&\quad-24y_{1}-28y_{2}\\\text{s.t.}&\quad6y_{1}+10y_{2} \leq 2400\\&\quad8y_{1}+5y_{2} \...
Jonn's user avatar
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Simplex - Network flow problem : Arc from 1 to P with infinite capacity

The Network - Maximum flow problem below aims to find the maximum flow using simplex method : With the LP as follow : LP : \begin{Bmatrix} Z(Max) = \sum_{i=1}^{m} fi \\ Af =0 \end{Bmatrix} ...
JirenOppaik's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Linear optimization problem with user-defined cost function

I have a linear optimization problem for which I am looking for a suitable optimization solution that can fulfill my requirements. Here is an explanation of the optimization problem: There are a ...
Emma's user avatar
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Proof that the leaving variable cannot be selected as the entering one in the next round

Using the Dantzig's pivoting rule, can it be proven that the leaving variable of one round cannot be selected as the entering variable in the next round?
Clement Cloucharde's user avatar
4 votes
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Does anyone have the criss cross algorithm programming code to solve linear programming problems?

I have a project that requires programming code for the simplex algorithm and criss-cross algorithm. The purpose of this project is to compare the two methods. I've tried to find it, but the ...
newbie's user avatar
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1 answer

Specific usecase of two-phase simplex algorithm

The problem below aims to find to most optimal way to transport the fuel : A company Er must transport a type of fuel from its two refineries Ra and Rb to its two points of sale PV1 and PV2. The ...
JirenOppaik's user avatar
3 votes
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On solving the Restricted Master Problem in Column Generation technique

I am working on developing a column generation (CG) based optimization framework for a large-scale airline crew pairing problem (a set-covering problem). First, I generate an initial feasible solution ...
Divyam Aggarwal's user avatar
3 votes
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Manually indicate initial basis for coin-or lp solver CLP

I have a set partitioning formulation with each constraint being an equality constraint to meet the given demand (right-hand side of the constraint). For each constraint, I have a slack and a surplus ...
Sergei's user avatar
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Is the iteration-limited Simplex dual solution of a MIP node useful?

Idea Sometimes I encounter problems where Simplex spends many iterations for final convergence to the optimal objective value. Let's suppose, this happens when solving branch and bound-tree nodes as ...
Simon's user avatar
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Solving a minimization problem using a Simplex method

There is a method of solving a minimization problem using the simplex method where you just need to multiply the objective function by -ve sign and then solve it using the simplex method. All you need ...
John adams's user avatar