Questions tagged [quadratic-programming]

For questions on quadratic programming, methods to solve them and related solvers. Use this tag along with (optimization).

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For subset selection regression as a mixed integer program, how tightly should the bounding box be set?

When solving best subset regression as a mixed integer program, how do you decide how tightly to bound the range of values of the $X$ values? When the box is tight, the solver finds a solution ...
Charles Fox's user avatar
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Water quality component optimization

I have an optimization problem that I'm attempting to tackle. As you can see in the image below, there's a graph network through which water flows. I've drawn out the problem in the image to explain ...
Nisith Singh's user avatar
6 votes
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Cases where RLT/SDP relaxation does not work well with standard quadratic optimization

(For people who don't know what RLT is): I am maximizing an indefinite quadratic function over a standard simplex, i.e., the standard quadratic optimization problem. A well-known approach is to relax ...
independentvariable's user avatar
4 votes
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Analytical solution of constrained quadratic program

I'm trying to solve a "simple" (= small) optimization problem often, with only minor changes to the objective function. Therefore it's important to keep the "time per solve" as low ...
kchnkrml's user avatar
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Continuous optimization with a Euclidean TSP objective

I am trying to solve a problem of the form $$\min_{x_1,\dots,x_n} f(x_1,\dots,x_n)$$ subject to a constraint that $\mathrm{length}(\mathrm{TSP}(x_1,\dots,x_n))\leq c$, where $x_1,\dots,x_n$ are all ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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From Quadratic to MILP?

I am playing around with some Quadratic Programs (QPs), and I want to check if my reasoning is right concerning a re-modeling from QP to MILP. So, let's consider the below QP: (QP) $\min c^T x + x^T Q ...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
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Linearize objective function with non-linear terms

I have a problem with linear constraints but in the objective function I want to have some linear terms along with a $x^2$ term. So it is like the following: $$\min \sum \limits _i \sum \limits _j (a[...
christouandr7's user avatar
3 votes
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Automatic quadratization of constraints in pyomo for gurobi

Gurobi 9 can solve QCQPs, and QCQPs capture all of polynomial optimization by the obvious trick that e.g. a cubic term $x_1 x_2 x_3$ can be turned into a quadratic term $y x_3$ and a constraint $y = ...
Martin Koutecký's user avatar
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SDP relaxation with greater-than and less-than inequalities at the same time

I am dealing with the following nonconvex fractional quadratic optimization problem \begin{align} & \min_{\boldsymbol{x}} && \max_{t \in \mathcal{T}} \frac{\boldsymbol{a}_t^T \boldsymbol{...
Antonio Albanese's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the value function of a quadratic program stay convex when adding constraints?

I am interested in the value function of a quadratic program of the form $$ v(y)=\min_x \frac{1}{2} x^\top Q(y) x, $$ subject to a linear equality constraint $$ E(y)x=d(y), $$ and a linear inequality ...
user_lambda's user avatar
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Is this semidefinite constraint in fact pointless?

On Wikipedia, I encountered a statement that the semidefinite relaxation of a quadratically constrained quadratic program can be solved more efficiently (using only LP) in the case that no variable is ...
Lars H's user avatar
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How to linearize this multiplicative constraint?

I have a constraint in the form $\sqrt{|\sum_{c\in C}{h_cw_c}|^2}\ge\sqrt{x}\zeta$ Here, $h_c$ is s row vector (know), $w_c$ is a column vector (variable). $x$ and $\zeta$ are also optimization ...
KGM's user avatar
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Determine set of "arbitrage-free" regional prices

I am seeking for a way how to determine set of "arbitrage-free" regional prices for a single commodity market. There are $N>1$ production units with costs $C^{prod}_i, i=1,\dots,N$ and ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Indicator function for integer variable with inequality constraint

I have $n$ integer variables $\vec{x}$ with the following integer programming problem. $$ COST = \sum^{n-1}_{i = 0} a_i x_i + \sum^{n-1}_{j=0} b_j I(x_j > 0) $$ Here, $a_i, b_j \in \mathbb{R}_+$ ...
Omar Shehab's user avatar
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MIQP ā€” CVXPY unable to treat summation of variables as a variable

I have a quadratic integer programming assignment problem. The goal is to assign riders seats on a bus such that distance between any two riders is maximized; however, the importance of each objective ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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Quadratic conic program duality

I am working on a problem relating to what is known as the "Good Deal risk measure" for production valuation in incomplete markets. I have created the following primal optimization problem, ...
Mikkel Honningsvåg Sandhaug's user avatar
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Convex quadratic maximization over cartesian product of simplices

Suppose we are maximizing $f(x^1,\ldots,x^t)= \begin{bmatrix}{x^1}^\top & \ldots & {x^t}^\top \end{bmatrix}^\top Q \begin{bmatrix}{x^1}^\top & \ldots & {x^t}^\top \end{bmatrix}$ ...
independentvariable's user avatar
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Does Gurobi solve QCQMIPs with Quadratic terms faster with then Bi-Linear terms in general?

Based on the color distance function defined here i try to find $n$ RGB colors with large inter set color distances and good color distance to white. ...
worldsmithhelper's user avatar
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Dual of a quadratic constraint

This is my model. \begin{align} \min_x&\quad\sum_{e\in E} X_e p_e \\ \text{s.t.}&\quad\sum_{e \in E: T(e)=i} X_e - \sum_{e \in E: H(e)=i} X_e = \begin{cases}1, \;\text{if}\;i=s\\-1,\;\text{if}...
orpanter's user avatar
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Optimization Multiple Constraints

I am trying to solve a linear algebra problem: an optimization problem and I am using CVXOPT. I've split the problem into 3 components In its simplest form, The general formulation for CVXOPT is \...
Marco_sbt's user avatar
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Solver issue? Xpress (slp) - Nonlinear - Python - Pyomo

I tried solving my model with xpress: pip install xpress And then in the model: ...
PM0087's user avatar
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Question on quadratically constrained quadratic program

If the constrained optimization problem is a quadratically constrained quadratic program of the form \begin{align}\min&\quad x^HQx-a(x+x^H)+b|z^Hx|^2\\\text{s.t.}&\quad\|x\|^2\le1\end{align} ...
Kali's user avatar
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Is it possible to transform MIQP into MILP without introducing new variable?

I have a QP optimization problem in the form $$\min {\bf x}^T{\bf Qx}-{\bf c}^T{\bf x}$$ here $\bf Q$ is a symmetric matrix. $\bf x$ is the optimization variable, and it is binary. Is there a way to ...
KGM's user avatar
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Projection of QP problem solved with Gradient Descent

Lets say we have a QP problem as shown below $$\min {\bf x}^T {\bf R}{\bf x}+{\bf c}^T{\bf x}$$ subject to $${\bf A_{eq}x}={\bf e}_{eq}$$ $${\bf Ax}\le {\bf e}$$ $${\bf x}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace$$ ${\...
KGM's user avatar
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Better formulation of bilinear terms

I am working on an optimization problem where I need to formulate a constraint that represents the total sales value under specific conditions. The challenge lies in creating an expression that ...
Lemma's user avatar
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Unclear points in derivation of Lagrange duality for a quadratic optimization problem

Problem0: $\displaystyle \min_{\mathbf{u} \in \mathbf{R}^L}\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{u}^TQ\mathbf{u}+\mathbf{p}^T\mathbf{u}$ $\,$ subject to $\,$ $\mathbf{a}^T\mathbf{u} \ge c$ Problem1: $\displaystyle \...
DSPinfinity's user avatar
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Problem in understanding an equation from a paper about iterative Linear-Quadratic Regulator

I'm reading a paper about iterative Linear-Quadratic Regulator (iLQR) and there are a lot of points that I don't understand. I think ...
user900476's user avatar
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How do I implement this convex problem in CVXPY?

I am looking to implement the following optimization problem in CVXPY. $$ \max _{x_t} x_t' \mu - \frac{\gamma}{2} x'_t \Sigma x_t - x'_t\Lambda \Delta x_t $$ where $\Delta x_t := x_t - x_{t-1}$ and $\...
Lydia's user avatar
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Improving performance of gurobi program

I have $n$ points in an $n$-dimensional space (more specifically, the points are basis vectors with small random perturbations). I want to embed the points into a smaller-dimensional space: i.e. for $...
Dmitry's user avatar
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