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Questions tagged [maxflow]

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Fast Algorithms for Min-cost Multicommodity Flow Problem with Most Arcs Having 0 cost

I have a min-cost multicommodity flow problem with the following characteristics: Flows can be fractional (integer flows not required) Set of commodity types is $K$, set of demand nodes is $\\{ d_k : ...
0 votes
1 answer

Maximum Flow Linear Programming

So this is the maximum flow problem and I have two questions here: Why do we write maximize X_jt and why not X_st, since we want to maximize the flow from the source node to the end node? And why do ...
3 votes
1 answer

Minimum cost flow problem with multiple arcs between nodes in Python / Google OR

Is it possible to work with multiple arcs between 2 nodes within Google OR? Or are there better modeling techniques? I want to optimize flow from supply to demand areas, where supply and demand are ...
3 votes
0 answers

Flow problem with flow demands

Recently I found a subproblem in a project I am working with. This problem is a sort of flow variant, as you will see. And I am looking for literature-related articles and also fast approaches for ...
3 votes
2 answers

Partial Lagrangian in the Max-Flow problem

In the question: "Partial" Lagrangian Dual in LP It is argued that considering a partial Lagrangian $L_{partial}$, where we Dualize only some of the constraints, results in a tighter ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to use max flow to schedule machines? (building a network)

Suppose you manage a machine shop with $k$ machines and have $n$ jobs to process today. Each job $i=1,2,3,4,5,\ldots,n$ requires $p_i>0$ minutes of processing time on any machine and has a ...
3 votes
1 answer

Dichotomic search for biobjective linear program, max flow problem for hospital patients

I recently asked this question about formulating a max flow diagram for hospital patients. I am now considering a secondary objective which is to maximize the effetiveness of the scheduled treatment. ...