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Questions tagged [integer-programming]

For questions about mathematical optimization problems involving binary or general integer variables.

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1 answer

Reasonable implementation of a MILP scheduling problem

I have the following (fairly classical) "big-M" formulation of a scheduling problem. I am not able to solve it in reasonable amount of time for instances with more than 20 jobs (I am using ...
Gabriele's user avatar
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Pyomo warmstart does not work with GLPK and CBC

I am trying to warmstart a MIP using Pyomo and a free solver like GLPK or CBC. Following the documentation it is enough to specify warmstart=True in the following code: ...
user2695795's user avatar
1 vote
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CPLEX Working Memory

I have an integer program that is memory intensive. When I solve the problem with defaults the best LP relaxation constantly keeps improving even if the extent of improvement is small. But ...
tr244's user avatar
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Probabilistic interpretation of integer linearization solutions

Can we generate approximate integer/binary solutions using pure linear programming? Suppose that I want to assign $resource_{i}$ to $team_1$ else $team_2$. A solution matrix, M of shape [i,2] could ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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3 answers

Constraint formulation

Let $P$ be the set of periods, with $y_p$ as a binary variable, and $w_{p}^{t}$ as a binary variable that links period $p$ with period $t$, where $p, t \in P$, and $t = p +2$. The constraint I am ...
CHE's user avatar
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MILP with "unnecessary" continuous variables

This is a theoretical question. I have an integer programming model where I use a series of continuous variables for clarity purposes. These continuous variables are obtained as the product of some ...
user14037's user avatar
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How to correctly interpret the $\ln(n)$ approximation ratio of the set cover problem under its integer formulation context?

The wikipedia article of the set cover problem stated the following point regarding the inapproximability of the greedy method "When $n$ refers to the size of the universe.... it cannot be ...
Tuong Nguyen Minh's user avatar
2 votes
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How to access optimal solution pool?

I have the following code for a staff scheduling model: ...
themaneater22's user avatar
2 votes
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How to increase the lower bound while solving a MILP model?

I have developed an IP model for a combinatorial problem. The model is faster than the other models in the literature. However, for some instances, the model reaches the optimum solution (which I know ...
OR Junior's user avatar
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1 answer

PULP: Optimization Assignment of Bicycle production per month

Q1. If bicycles of types A and H are produced, then bicycles of type C can be produced with 20% shorter working hours, while selling profit of bicycles type H can be 20% higher. Q2: If bicycles of ...
Ankit Basu's user avatar
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1 answer

Lexicographic objective to maximize the x-th highest value

Given the following (stylized) IP: \begin{align} \mbox{minimize }& \sum_i c_ix_i&\\ \mbox{s.t. }&\sum_i x_i \leq Q & \\ & f(x_i) \geq L & \forall i \\ & 0 \...
Joris Kinable's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Optimizing calls to a separation problem in branch and cut

I have a MIP in which I am able to generate cuts at intermediate relaxation solutions using the context class. These cuts are derived from a separation problem. However, after adding them, the code ...
tr244's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Restrict the number of non-zero variables to any constant in MILP

I am designing an MILP in which given a set $[n]$ of $n$ agents, we create for each $i \in [n]$ a real variable $x_i$. The variables $x_i$ are between 0 and 1 ($0 \leq x_i < 1$). I would like to ...
Samuel Bismuth's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Unable to find good solution for CVRP with Time Window

I am trying to solve Capacitated VRP with Time Window for 50 demand points. I was trying to optimize this in Gurobi Solver but it doesn't give good answer like optimality gap is 30% or more. Any idea ...
Maths_hawk's user avatar
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Branch & bound: why does the lower bound increase?

For a minimization problem, when running a branch & bound algorithm, I understand that: Every integer feasible solution provides an upper bound on the optimal objective value of the original ...
NormalFit's user avatar
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How to track the first timestep at which a binary variable becomes 1 in an IP? [duplicate]

I have an MIP where I have a binary variable $y_t$ which is set to 1 or 0 and is indexed by time t. It can be set to 1 at multiple timestamps but it is never continuously 1 for more than single ...
Demitri's user avatar
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Shipment Allocation using Pulp

I am trying to create a model where each shipment must be allocated to a route to minimize the freight cost. I am a complete newbie at LP Optimization. Explanation of dataset: Every destination (D1,...
Jayit Ghosh's user avatar
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Minimize Expenses For Workers

My goal is to minimize the labor expenses. Say we have 3 types of workers: $x_1$ = Permanent Driver, rate = 693.875/day $x_2$ = Reliever Drivers rate = 435/day $x_3$ = Crews rate = 400/day There are 6 ...
Siazam's user avatar
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Why this ILP and LP are equivalent?

Let's consider a competition with $n$ questions. Each question has a price $p_i$ and a score $v_i$. To advance to the next round of the competition, we need to accumulate a minimum score of $D$. We ...
occasional's user avatar
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A tool for finding integer solutions to linear systems

I have a system of linear equations $A x = 0$, where $A$ is an integer matrix, and I want to find a non-zero solution, if it exists. In that case, a rational solution exists. Multiplying by the common ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Improving the lower bound

Good afternoon. I have a very difficult to a MIP model. I have tried several different strategies to reduce the gap. I am using Gurobi and in this case, I already have an incumbent solution. I've set &...
Angelo Aliano Filho's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Connections between Bounds in MIPs

we are currently learning about MIP/MILP minimization at university and have become familiar with the branch-and-bound algorithm. Unfortunately, the relationship between upper bound, lower bound and ...
Vv J's user avatar
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2 answers

How to write a If then else constraint with continuous variables

I have a problem under investigation which requires if, elseif and else conditions to implement as a constraint in a mixed integer program. Any leads will be appreciated. Thanks a lot. Let $x_t$, $y_t$...
Srinivasan B's user avatar
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Shopping Basket Deal Optimization

I am looking for guidance on a solution to the problem of picking the best special offers that can be applied to a given basket of items. In the system, a special offer has N collections of qualifying ...
Robert Snipe's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can we add a certain binary row to a matrix which preserves total unimodularity?

Suppose I have a matrix $A\in \{-1, 0, 1\}^{m\times n}$ which is Totally Unimodular (TU), and a vector $b^T \in \{-1, 0, 1\}^{1\times n}$ which has exactly one entry which is $1$ and exactly one entry ...
graphtheory123's user avatar
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2 answers

Small number of constraints, but very large coefficients

I'm looking for advice on solving ILP problems with a relatively small number of constraints and variables, but very large coefficients. I have less than 500 variables and constraints, but my ...
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to linearize a product of an integer and a binary variable

I have this constraint right here, which is not linear. How would I linearize such a product. $number_t$ is a positive integer and $new_t$ and $reset_t$ are binary. $$number_t = (number_{t-1}+new_t)\...
Uni ewr's user avatar
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1 answer

How to evaluate the quality of a solution obtained using the price-and-branch method for an IP problem?

I have solved an integer programming problem using the price-and-branch (not branch-and-price) approach exactly as same as described in this question and obtained a feasible solution. As this approach ...
Sina_Alef's user avatar
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Problems with Big-M Constraint

I have the following constraints for my roster optimisation problem: \begin{align} &(1-r_{i,t})\le \sum_{j=t-\chi}^{t-1}sc_{i,j}\quad &\forall i\in I, t\in \{1+\chi,\ldots,T\} \end{align} \...
lukdooxb1's user avatar
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Solving a weighted XOR-SAT problem

I want to solve a variant of the weighted XOR-SAT problem. Concretely, Given $n$ boolean variables $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ each of which is assigned a non-negative cost $c_1,\ldots,c_n\in\mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ ...
nalzok's user avatar
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What is the suitable optimization method for this case?

What is the best optimization method to solve a large-scale problem (about 300 thousand variables)? The problem is nonlinear, nonconvex, involves only binary variables, and is unconstrained. The ...
Hussein Sharadga's user avatar
3 votes
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Continuous optimization with a Euclidean TSP objective

I am trying to solve a problem of the form $$\min_{x_1,\dots,x_n} f(x_1,\dots,x_n)$$ subject to a constraint that $\mathrm{length}(\mathrm{TSP}(x_1,\dots,x_n))\leq c$, where $x_1,\dots,x_n$ are all ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Need help with integer programming exercise

This is an exercise from Wolsey that I can't solve. Show how to go from Equivalence (1) to (2) and from Equivalence (2) to (3): $$ \begin{align} X &= \{ x \in \{0, 1\}^4~\mid~97x_1 + 32x_2 + ...
Tio Pikachu Lizardon's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Optimization problem with the Harmonic number

I have an optimization problem: \begin{align*} \text{ minimize } \sum_{i=1}^n H(x_i) \\ \text{ subject to } Ax \geq b, x\geq 0, x\in \mathbb{Z}^n \end{align*} where $H(n)$ is the $n$-th Harmonic ...
Erel Segal-Halevi's user avatar
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Applications of Knapsack and Cutting Stock in Pure Math

I'm giving a seminar to PhD students in pure math, and one of the things I'd like to do is show that more applied optimization can also make its way into pure Mathematics. As for classical problems, I'...
J. Dionisio's user avatar
1 vote
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Maximizing sum of probabilities with variable distributions

Suppose $\\{X_i\\}$ are binary decision variables and $\\{A_j\\}$ are Skellam random variables with $(\mu_1, \mu_2) = (\sum_i b_{i} X_i, c_j)$. Here, $b_i, c_j \in \mathbb{R}^{\geq 0}$ are constants. ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Benchmark problems for Benders Decomposition

We are implementing a scheduling model using Benders Decomposition. Does someone know of any existing implementation of Benders or any repositories that contain continuous or integer problems solved ...
Vivek's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way to constrain a binary matrix so that at most one row has positive values?

I have a binary variable $x_{i,j}$ for $i\in\{1,\ldots,m\}$ and $j\in\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and the constraint is to have at most one row that has ones. I wrote this as: $$x_{i,j}+x_{i',j'}\leqslant1,\forall ...
Jika's user avatar
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Stationarity conditions for IPs

Let's consider the following (MQ)IP: $\min x^T Q x$ s.t. $g(x) \geqslant 0$ $x_i \in \mathbb{Z}$ $i \in I$ By ignoring the integrality constraints we end up with the QP: $\min x^T Q x$ s.t. $g(x) \...
Matheus Diógenes Andrade's user avatar
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How to linearize the following constraints

Given the following two expressions: $ x - \frac{1}{T}\sum_{i} y_{i}$ $ x - \frac{1}{Q}\sum_{i} \beta_{i} y_{i}$ where $x \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}$, $y \in \mathbb{R}_{+}$, and $T$, $Q$ and $\beta_{i}$ ...
CHE's user avatar
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Deriving a valid inequality

Given a set of facilities $I$ and days $J$, each facility $i \in I$ has a capacity of $C_i$, and a set of days $J$ where in each day $j \in J$ there's a total demand of $q_j$ that can be satisfied by ...
CHE's user avatar
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2 answers

How to identify constraints that make problem not solvable in polynomial time?

I am reading this paper, available for free viewing, which contains an example of job shop scheduling, shown below. The details of the variable definitions, etc., can be found in the paper, but it's ...
somewhere's user avatar
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Optimize cherry picking runs

I am trying to optimize a cherry picking procedure on 96-well microplates. The plates are 12X8 (12 columns, 8 rows). We pass a command file that has many lines like this to a robot: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Linearizing if else conditions in ILP

We are given three binary indicator variables $X_{ij}, Y_{jk}$ and $Z_{jl}$. Write linear constraints such that, a) if $X_{ij}$ is equal to 1, then for that $j$ when $X_{ij} = 1$, exactly one $Y_{jk} =...
ephemeral's user avatar
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Binary Integer Programming Problem - Enforce Zeros on Certain Groups

I'm working on a binary integer programming problem using pulp. I have a vector X = [x_1, x_2, x_3, . . . , x_n]. I have enforced a number of simple constraints. I ...
user16668649's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Binary logical constraint dependent on indices

I don't know if I can ask this here, but I've been pulling my hair out trying to think of how to represent this in constraints. I have two sets of binary variables: $X_t$ and $Y_{it}$. So, I want to ...
orpanter's user avatar
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How do I optimize this problem where the constraints and objective are variable?

Problem Definition: Pa = Constant Pb = Constant Vmax_a = Constant Vmax_b = constant Objective Function: ...
kontrol-c's user avatar
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Maximizing value of nodes visited in fixed time

Consider the following three problems. The first is intended to be a simplification of the second that might be amenable to solution methods the second is not amenable to. First problem: Assume we ...
Aldo Leopold's user avatar
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Graph coloring problem redundant constraints

Say the edges of a 4 nodes graph are 0 1, 1 2 and 1 3. The solution to the colouring problem ...
Dr.PB's user avatar
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Constraints to avoid disjointed solutions in a MIP

Given an directed graph $G= (N,E)$, where $N$ is the set of nodes and $E$ is the set of all edges, each associated with a direction. $G$ is a connected graph but not necessarily a complete graph. A ...
CHE's user avatar
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