
Is there any Python library as published on PyPi, with genetic algorithm (GA) or GA inspired solver that helps with constrained optimization?
I am aware of Matlab's GA solver and also aware that costs of constraint violations can form part of my objective to minimize. But wanted to check if there's a library that can run on Python where I can specify the objective and an array of constraints.


3 Answers 3


PyGAD seems to be a decent library, although I have never tested it myself. The documentation looks very complete, with good examples.


Not exactly what you are needing, but DEAP allows to pass constraints as a decorator: https://deap.readthedocs.io/en/master/tutorials/advanced/constraints.html .


Try optapy.

No genetic algorithms, but several other, more advanced metaheuristics. See https://www.optapy.org for more info.


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