I'm new to Gurobi in Python and I am wondering if there is way to code the following constraints:
1- $\sum x_i =0$ for all $i\in A$ OR for all $i \in B$
where A and B are distinch sets of integers and $x_i$ are binary variables.
2- $\sum_{i=0}^{10} x_i =0$ OR $\sum_{i=0}^{10} x_i =1$
Question: Is there a way to express the "Or" in one of the above constraints ?/code in Gurobi (maybe something like addConstrOr instead of addConstr)
My thoughts: maybe something like that would work for (1) and (2), but I am not sure if it is possible
model. addConstr (sum( x [ i] for i in A) ==0) or model. addConstr (sum( x [ i] for i in B) ) ==0)
model. addConstr (sum( x [ i] for i in range(0,10) ) ==0) or model. addConstr (sum( x [ i] for i in range(0,10) ) ==1)
model.addConstr( sum( x[i] for i in range(0,11)) == y)
where $y$ is declared as a binary decision variable $\endgroup$