The problem I'm trying to solve is a modification of the original Jobshop problem. The additional constraints are:
- There is only one machine for all jobs and their tasks.
- Each job has a priority (integer value, greater value means greater priority). Tasks of a higher-priority job should be considered first.
- Tasks of a given job have same duration, for example: job_1 has 3 tasks and all of its tasks have duration of 5; job_2 has 2 tasks and all of its tasks have duration of 7, etc.
- Each job has time windows (integer values), within which its tasks must be scheduled, for example: 0 - 10, 5 - 30, etc. Windows timestamps of all jobs may overlap.
- All tasks are optional, this means that if there is no space for job's task within given job's window, algorithm should consider another window of the given job (if another window is present) and try to schedule this task within that another window.
- Tasks of all jobs must not overlap (machine can process only one task at a time).
- There must be a gap between tasks of each job (integer value; gap size depends on the job). Tasks of other jobs may be scheduled within this gap if it has enough space for them.
The objective is to schedule as many tasks of higher-priority jobs as possible.
The problem I cannot cope with is that tasks do not have gaps between them. The reason for this IMO is that tasks are not always scheduled successively, because I define constraints only between successive tasks. For example: currently, the constraint formula for gaps between each task is defined like this: job_tasks[taskID + 1].start >= job_tasks[taskID].end + jobs_gaps[jobID]
. This would work if the tasks are scheduled successively: task_1 -> task_2 -> task_3
. But if tasks are scheduled not successively, say: task_1 -> task_3 -> task_2
, then the constraints are not forced between pairs task_1 -> task_3
and task_3 -> task_2
because they only apply to the neighboring tasks, according to the formula.
I also use 3D array x
to indicate that task with taskID
of job with jobID
is scheduled within window of windowID
; this idea is taken from Multiple Knapsack problem.
The full program code is shown below:
public class MinimalJobshopSat {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// [START data]
class Task {
int duration;
public Task(int duration) {
this.duration = duration;
class TaskType {
IntVar start;
IntVar end;
IntervalVar interval;
final List<List<Task>> allJobs = Arrays.asList(
Arrays.asList(new Task(3), new Task(3), new Task(3), new Task(3)), // Job0
Arrays.asList(new Task(5), new Task(5), new Task(5), new Task(5)), // Job1
Arrays.asList(new Task(10), new Task(10),new Task(10), new Task(10)) // Job2
final int[] priorities = {9, 5, 3};
int numMachines = 1;
final int[] allMachines = IntStream.range(0, numMachines).toArray();
int horizon = 1_000_000;
final int[][] windowsStarts = {
{0, 30}, // windows starts for job 0
{50}, // windows starts for job 1
final int[][] windowsEnds = {
{20, 40}, // windows ends for job 0
{70}, // windows ends for job 1
final int[] jobsBuffers = {5, 10, 15};
// [END data]
// Creates the model.
// [START model]
CpModel model = new CpModel();
// [END model]
// [START variables]
Map<List<Integer>, TaskType> allTasks = new HashMap<>();
List<IntervalVar> machineIntervals = new ArrayList<>();
// x[jobID][taskID][windowID] = 1 if task with 'taskID' of a job with 'jobID' is assigned to a window with 'windowID'
List<List<List<Literal>>> x = new ArrayList<>();
for (int jobID = 0; jobID < allJobs.size(); ++jobID) { // for each job
final List<List<Literal>> jobLiterals = new ArrayList<>();
for (int taskID = 0; taskID < allJobs.get(jobID).size(); ++taskID) { // for each job's task
final List<Literal> taskLiterals = new ArrayList<>();
for (int windowID = 0; windowID < windowsStarts[jobID].length; ++windowID) { // for each job's window
taskLiterals.add(model.newBoolVar("x_" + jobID + "_" + taskID + "_" + windowID));
for (int jobID = 0; jobID < allJobs.size(); ++jobID) {
List<Task> job = allJobs.get(jobID);
final int firstWindowStart =[jobID]).min().getAsInt(); // job's makespan start
final int lastWindowEnd =[jobID]).max().getAsInt(); // job's makespan end
for (int taskID = 0; taskID < job.size(); ++taskID) {
Task task = job.get(taskID);
TaskType taskType = new TaskType();
for (int windowID = 0; windowID < windowsStarts[jobID].length; ++windowID) {
String suffix = "_" + jobID + "_" + taskID + "_" + windowID;
Literal literal = x.get(jobID).get(taskID).get(windowID);
taskType.start = model.newIntVar(firstWindowStart, lastWindowEnd, "start" + suffix);
taskType.end = model.newIntVar(firstWindowStart, lastWindowEnd, "end" + suffix);
taskType.interval = model.newOptionalIntervalVar(
"interval" + suffix
// task must be within window if x[jobID][taskID][windowID] is true
model.addGreaterOrEqual(taskType.start, model.newConstant(windowsStarts[jobID][windowID])).onlyEnforceIf(literal);
model.addLessOrEqual(taskType.end, model.newConstant(windowsEnds[jobID][windowID])).onlyEnforceIf(literal);
List<Integer> key = Arrays.asList(jobID, taskID, windowID);
allTasks.put(key, taskType);
// [END variables]
// [START constraints]
// Create and add disjunctive constraints. Tasks of all jobs must not overlap.
// Precedences inside a job.
for (int jobID = 0; jobID < allJobs.size(); ++jobID) {
List<Task> job = allJobs.get(jobID);
for (int taskID = 0; taskID < job.size() - 1; ++taskID) {
for (int windowID = 0; windowID < windowsStarts[jobID].length; ++windowID) {
List<Integer> prevKey = Arrays.asList(jobID, taskID, windowID);
List<Integer> nextKey = Arrays.asList(jobID, taskID + 1, windowID);
// Tasks of given job must be successive
model.addGreaterOrEqual(allTasks.get(nextKey).start, LinearExpr.sum(new LinearArgument[] {
allTasks.get(prevKey).end, model.newConstant(jobsBuffers[jobID])
// [END constraints]
// [START objective]
// Makespan objective.
IntVar objVar = model.newIntVar(0, horizon, "makespan");
List<IntVar> ends = new ArrayList<>();
for (int jobID = 0; jobID < allJobs.size(); ++jobID) {
List<Task> job = allJobs.get(jobID);
for (int windowID = 0; windowID < windowsStarts[jobID].length; ++windowID) {
List<Integer> key = Arrays.asList(jobID, job.size() - 1, windowID);
model.addMaxEquality(objVar, ends);
// [END objective]
// Creates a solver and solves the model.
// [START solve]
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
CpSolverStatus status = solver.solve(model);
// [END solve]
// [START print_solution]
if (status == CpSolverStatus.OPTIMAL || status == CpSolverStatus.FEASIBLE) {
class AssignedTask {
int jobID;
int taskID;
int start;
int duration;
int windowID;
// Ctor
public AssignedTask(int jobID, int taskID, int start, int duration, int windowID) {
this.jobID = jobID;
this.taskID = taskID;
this.start = start;
this.duration = duration;
this.windowID = windowID;
class SortTasks implements Comparator<AssignedTask> {
public int compare(AssignedTask a, AssignedTask b) {
if (a.start != b.start) {
return a.start - b.start;
} else {
return a.duration - b.duration;
// Create one list of assigned tasks per machine.
List<AssignedTask> assignedJobs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int jobID = 0; jobID < allJobs.size(); ++jobID) {
List<Task> job = allJobs.get(jobID);
for (int taskID = 0; taskID < job.size(); ++taskID) {
Task task = job.get(taskID);
for (int windowID = 0; windowID < windowsStarts[jobID].length; ++windowID) {
List<Integer> key = Arrays.asList(jobID, taskID, windowID);
AssignedTask assignedTask = new AssignedTask(
jobID, taskID, (int) solver.value(allTasks.get(key).start), task.duration, windowID);
// Create per machine output lines.
String output = "";
for (int machine : allMachines) {
// Sort by starting time.
Collections.sort(assignedJobs, new SortTasks());
String solLineTasks = "Machine " + machine + ": ";
String solLine = " ";
for (AssignedTask assignedTask : assignedJobs) {
String name = "job_" + assignedTask.jobID + "_task_" + assignedTask.taskID + "_win_" + assignedTask.windowID;
// Add spaces to output to align columns.
solLineTasks += String.format("%-22s", name);
String solTmp =
"[" + assignedTask.start + "," + (assignedTask.start + assignedTask.duration) + "]";
// Add spaces to output to align columns.
solLine += String.format("%-22s", solTmp);
output += solLineTasks + "%n";
output += solLine + "%n";
System.out.printf("Optimal Schedule Length: %f%n", solver.objectiveValue());
} else {
System.out.println("No solution found.");
// [END print_solution]
// Statistics.
// [START statistics]
System.out.printf(" conflicts: %d%n", solver.numConflicts());
System.out.printf(" branches : %d%n", solver.numBranches());
System.out.printf(" wall time: %f s%n", solver.wallTime());
// [END statistics]
private MinimalJobshopSat() {}
Do you know a way/conception to force tasks to have gaps? Thank you for the answers.
Edit: I've updated allTasks
key to also include windowID
, and after that some tasks of jobs started to duplicate for some reason.
Cross-reference to the same question: Discord of OR-Tools