If we consider the dynamic lot sizing problem with:
$d_i$ as the demand per period $i$ and denote $\sum_{i=1}^t d_i$ being the total demand up to period $t$, where $t$ can take values $1, \dots, T$ in a $T$-period problem.
$z_i$ is the amount ordered in period $i$ and denote $\sum_{i=1}^t z_i$ being the total amount ordered up to period $t$, where also $t$ can take values $1, \dots, T$ in a $T$-period problem.
$\delta_t$ is a boolean variable that indicates whether or not an order is placed in period $t$.
And then consider to have two constraints, which can be read as:
The total supply must be at least as large as the total demand through the end of each period.
The amount purchased in a period cannot exceed the total demand in that and future periods in the planning horizon.
One way to write out these constraints is:
(1.1)$$\sum_{i=1}^t z_i \ge \sum_{i=1}^t d_i,$$ where $t=1, \dots , T, $
(1.2)$$ z_t \le \delta_t \sum_{i=t}^T d_i,$$
where $t= 1, \dots, T$.
But for example in the paper of Wagelmans, Hoesel and Kolen where they present their eponymous algorithm, they introduce the variable $z_{ti}$, which is said to be the amount of period $i$'s demand that is produced in period $t$ and $\sum_{i=t}^T z_{ti} = z_t$
And then they rewrite the former two constraints as:
(2.1) $$\sum_{t=1}^i z_{ti} = d_i$$ where $i=1, \dots, T,$
(2.2) $$d_i\delta_t \ge z_{ti},$$ where $i=t, \dots, T$ and $t=1,\dots,T.$
But (1.2) and (2.2) seem to be NOT the same. Can anyone explain why the constraint equations (1.1) and (1.2) are identical to (2.1) and (2.2) ?
For those interested in the paper of WHK: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/46431739_Economic_Lot_Sizing_An_On_log_n_Algorithm_That_Runs_in_Linear_Time_in_the_Wagner-Whitin_Case
I use the notations of: http://eprints.stiperdharmawacana.ac.id/16/1/%5BJohn_A._Muckstadt,_Amar_Sapra%5D_Principles_of_Inve(BookFi).pdf
your pre-defining values
?". How do you ensure that the solution you mentioned in the examples would be an optimal or at least a feasible solution? $\endgroup$