It is possible to translate into a linear programming formulation the following constraint:
If $ P_{t,u} \geq \alpha \rightarrow x_{t,u} =1$ and $x_{t’,u}=0 $ for all $t’=1,2, …, T$ with $t’\neq t$.
Let introduce $ T \cdot U $ Boolean variables: $ x_{t,u} $
Remembering that $ P_{t,u} \cdot \alpha^{-1}=P_{t,u} \cdot \frac{1}{\alpha} \geq 1 $ if and only if $ P_{t,u} \geq \alpha$. So, the generic constraint
$ x_{t,u} \geq P_{t,u} \alpha^{-1} \rightarrow x_{t,u}=1 $
answers to our problem:
Now we want to assign zero value to every remaining variables: it is sufficient to introduce the following constraint:
$ \sum_{t=1}^T x_{t,u} = 1 $
In general we introduce the following contraints as feasible region:
$\left\{ \begin{array}{l}
x_{1,1} \geq P_{1,1} \alpha^{-1} \\
x_{2,1} \geq P_{2,1} \alpha^{-1}\\
\vdots \\
x_{T,1} \geq P_{T,1} \alpha^{-1} \\
\sum_{t=1}^T x_{t,1} = 1 \\
\vdots \\
x_{1,U} \geq P_{1,U} \cdot \alpha^{-1} \\
x_{2,U} \geq P_{2,U} \alpha^{-1} \\
\vdots \\
x_{T,U} \geq P_{T,U} \alpha^{-1} \\
\sum_{t=1}^T x_{t,U} = 1 \\
x_{t,u} Boolean \\
\end{array} \right. $