I am working on a shipping demurrage problem that uses a binary variable to denote the date a specific vessel can be loaded (I have been kindly helped by Wesley on OR before with this).
I am confident that the rest of the model works fine, however when using the binary to determine the load dates, the model is unable to find a solution i.e. is 'infeasible' and the output of the variable is either 1.0
or 10000.0
which is clearly incorrect (and non-binary).
Question: Do I need to linearize the binary variable, vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date]
in some way?
Code & Descriptions below:
= Variable: the inventory on the specified date of each product grade.vessel_grade_demand_tonnes
= Constant: the required amount, in tonnes of each grade required by each vessel.vessel_sales_demand_vars[(vessel, grade, date)]
= Variable. The date a vessels demand requirements are fully satisfied.vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date]
= Binary: The date indicating when a vessel can be loaded. NOTE a vessel can only load if the total amount it requires is available in the port inventory,port_inventory_vars[date, grade]
.demurrage_rates[vessel, date]
= Constant: The daily demurrage rates per vessel.demurrage_charge_vars[vessel, date]
= Decision variable: The demurrage charged.
# PORT STOCKPILE: Port Stockpile Inventory
for date in dates:
current_date = PLAN_START_DATE
date_t_minus_one = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') \
- datetime.timedelta(days=1)
date_t_minus_one = date_t_minus_one.strftime('%F')
for grade in grades:
# Filter plants
_plants_combo = [
plant for plant in plants
if (plant, grade) in plant_combinations]
# Get vessel demands for requisite date
_vessel_demands_combination = [
(vessel, date) for vessel in vessels for date in dates
if (vessel, date) in vessel_load_start_date
if date == current_date:
# Current Inv == current inventory + train in - sales demand
model += port_stockpile_current[grade] \
+ pulp.lpSum(
train_consignment_variables[(date, plant, grade)]
for plant in _plants_combo) \
- pulp.lpSum(
vessel_sales_demand_vars[(vessel, grade, date)]
for vessel, date in _vessel_demands_combination) \
+ insufficient_port_supply[(date, grade)] \
== port_inventory_vars[(date, grade)]
model += port_inventory_vars[(f'{date_t_minus_one}', grade)] \
+ pulp.lpSum(
train_consignment_variables[(date, plant, grade)]
for plant in _plants_combo) \
- pulp.lpSum(
vessel_sales_demand_vars[(vessel, grade, date)]
for vessel, date in _vessel_demands_combination) \
+ insufficient_port_supply[(date, grade)] \
== port_inventory_vars[(date, grade)]
# Port stockpile total inventory tonnage must be <= 2.1M tonnes
for date, grade in port_inventory_vars:
model += pulp.lpSum(port_inventory_vars[(date, grade)]) <= 2100000
# Control vessel loading
for grade in grades:
for vessel, date in vessel_load_start_date:
model += vessel_sales_demand_vars[(vessel, grade, date)] - vessel_grade_demand_tonnes[vessel, grade] * vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date] <= 0
model += vessel_sales_demand_vars[(vessel, grade, date)] <= vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date] * vessel_grade_demand_tonnes[vessel, grade]
# Vessel sales requirements must be satisfied by sales vars
for vessel, grade in vessel_grade_requirements:
for vessel, date in vessel_load_start_date:
_dates = [
tup[1] for tup in vessel_load_start_date
if tup[0] == vessel
model += pulp.lpSum(vessel_sales_demand_vars[vessel, grade, date] for date in _dates) == vessel_grade_demand_tonnes[vessel, grade]
# Demurrage charges per vessel
for vessel, date in vessel_load_start_date:
model += vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date] * demurrage_rates[vessel, date] == demurrage_charge_vars[vessel, date]
Current Model Outputs
# Vessel load start date vars
>>> for vessel, date in vessel_load_start_date:
print(vessel, date, ':', vessel_load_start_date[vessel, date].varValue
CEYLON BREEZE 2020-05-28 : 1.0
CEYLON BREEZE 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE 2020-05-30 : 0.0
# Demurrage Vars
>>> for vessel in demurrage_charge_vars:
print(vessel, ':', demurrage_charge_vars[vessel].varValue)
# vessel sales demand vars
>>> for vessel, grade, date in vessel_sales_demand_vars:
print(vessel, grade, date,':', vessel_sales_demand_vars[vessel, grade, date].varValue)
CEYLON BREEZE ZBL 2020-05-28 : 10000.0
CEYLON BREEZE ZBL 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE ZBL 2020-05-30 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE MFA 2020-05-28 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE MFA 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE MFA 2020-05-30 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE PRE 2020-05-28 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE PRE 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE PRE 2020-05-30 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE AAE 2020-05-28 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE AAE 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE AAE 2020-05-30 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE ACC 2020-05-28 : 10000.0
CEYLON BREEZE ACC 2020-05-29 : 0.0
CEYLON BREEZE ACC 2020-05-30 : 0.0
>>> for (date, grade) in port_inventory_vars:
print(date, grade, ':', port_inventory_vars[(date, grade)].varValue)
2020-05-28 ZBL : 215200.0
2020-05-28 MFA : 216800.0
2020-05-28 PRE : 222000.0
2020-05-28 AAE : 200000.0
2020-05-28 ACC : 10000.0
2020-05-29 ZBL : 205200.0
2020-05-29 MFA : 216800.0
2020-05-29 PRE : 306000.0
2020-05-29 AAE : 200000.0
2020-05-29 ACC : 0.0
2020-05-30 ZBL : 195200.0
2020-05-30 MFA : 216800.0
2020-05-30 PRE : 306000.0
2020-05-30 AAE : 200000.0
2020-05-30 ACC : 32000.0
Any help gratefully received as I have been scratching my head on why the solution is infeasible. I am using dummy data and over a very short timeframe to help troubleshoot this issue.