I was able to numerically "show" that an M/M/n queue is concave increasing in the number for $n$ servers, which makes intuitive sense. However is there a formal analytical proof for it? Where can I find it?
2 Answers
Dyer and Proll (1977)1 showed that for an M/M/c queue, the mean waiting time is a strictly decreasing and convex function of c.
[1] Dyer, M. E., Proll, L. G. (1977). On the Validity of Marginal Analysis for Allocating Servers in M/M/c Queues. Management Science. 23(9):1019-1022.
$\begingroup$ For a broader overview see Yu et al. (2006). $\endgroup$– TheSimpliFire ♦Commented May 17, 2020 at 19:54
$\begingroup$ @TheSimpliFire The Yu et al link has deprecated. $\endgroup$– GalenCommented Dec 20, 2023 at 3:18
$\begingroup$ @Galen I've edited the link. $\endgroup$– TheSimpliFire ♦Commented Dec 20, 2023 at 8:55
You can derive them from the balance equations. If you check Taha's or Lieberman's Introduction to OR books, you can find the proofs.