I would like to set a stop condition combined of a timelimit and a relative MIP gap. So I would like AMPL/CPLEX to look for the solution of my LP for an hour and if there isn't a solution stop if or as soon as a relative MIP gap of X percent has been reached.
For clarification, could you try to explain to me the exact meaning of a MIP gap? I was looking for a second stop condition to get at least somewhat close to a solution and not randomly stopping after time X has passed. I understand the relative MIP gap as an educated guess on how much the currently found solution is distant from the best possible solution therefore
$$\frac{\text{current objective function result}}{\text{best possible objective function result}}$$
but the actual relative MIP gap seems to be a little bit more complicated
Relative tolerance for optimizing integer variables: stop if
$$\text{abs}((\text{best bound}) - (\text{best integer})) < \text{mipgap} \times (1 + \text{abs}(\text{best bound})).$$
$\text{Default} = 1\cdot 10^{-4}$ must be between $1\cdot 10^{-9}$ and $1$.
I am not sure how exactly best bound and best integer is defined, on the other hand I am not even close to an expert in optimisation stuff.