I had a linear programming problem with the following objective function
$$f(x) = \sum_{j}x_jq_jp_j - \sum_{i}\left(\sum_{j}x_jq_jC_{ij} \right) c_i$$
Where $q, p, C, c$ are known.
This problem was easily solvable using linear programming, because it is completely linear.
I now have a modified version of the objective function, where I want the last parameter $c_i$ to vary based on the value of the summation $\sum_{k}x_kq_kC_{ik}$, which we will now call $A_i$, that comes before it.
More specifically, I have three "buckets":
$$c_i = \begin{cases} 10 & \text{for } 0\leq A_i\leq 100\\ 8 & \text{for } 101\leq A_i\leq 200\\ 6 & \text{for } A_i \geq 201 \end{cases}$$
How can I incorporate this into my objective function? My instinct tells me to somehow create three auxiliary variables which function as "switching" parameters for each of the buckets and are either 1 or 0. Since the value of $A_i$ has to lie in one of the buckets, one of these weights will be 1 and the others will be 0. I then sum over the weighting parameter times the bucket value (10/8/6) and I will get the proper result. Is something like this possible?