I have a question about using nuclear norm for rank minimisation.
I have a SDP problem.
f(X) is convex in nature and g(x) is linear.
Now, I must apply rank minimisation and establish a relationship between X and x. So, can I apply
Norm_nuc(X) - norm(x)^2_l2<= 0
I employ first-order Taylor series approximation for norm(x)^2_l2 to make it linear. The problem is convex and solved using cvx. But I must ask experts if this is a relèvent and correct constraint.
is a declared variable, which it should be, I don't see how that constraint would be accepted by CVXPY, or any other DCP tool, unless you invoked DCCP. Where does L2 norm come from? Perhaps you want to minimize (some multiple of) norm_nuc, or maximize its negative,, as at least a term in the objective function? Do you also include the SDP constraint? You haven't told us whatf(X,x)
is. As it stands, it's not clear what your original optimization problem is, or what your proposed formulation is. I presume rank minimization is to try to induce $X=xx^T$ to be satisfied by solution. $\endgroup$