I have the following decomposed compact model with the following master problem: \begin{align} &\text{minimize} &\sum_t \sum_s \text{slack}_{ts} \\ &\text{subject to} &\sum_i \sum_r \text{motivation}_{its}^r \lambda_{ir} + \text{slack}_{ts} & = \text{demand}_{ts} &&\forall t,s &&\\ &&\sum_r \lambda_{ir} &= 1 &&\forall i &&\\ &&\lambda_{ir} &\in\mathbb{Z}^+ &&\forall i,r\\ &&\text{slack}_{ts} &\ge 0 &&\forall t,s \end{align} and subproblems($i$): \begin{align} &\text{minimize} &0-\sum_{t,s} \pi_{ts} \text{motivation}_{its} - \mu_i \\ &\text{subject to} &-M(1-x_{its}) \le \text{motivation}_{its} - \text{mood}_{it} &\le M(1-x_{its}) &&\forall t,s \\ &&\text{motivation}_{its} &\le x_{its} && \forall t,s \\\ &&\alpha_{it} \sum_s x_{its} + \text{mood}_{it} &= 1 &&\forall t\\ &&\text{motivation}_{its} &\in[0,1] &&\forall t,s \\ &&\text{mood}_{it} &\in[0,1] &&\forall t \\ &&x_{its}&\in \{0,1\} &&\forall t,s\\ \end{align}
Now i want to additionally impose the constraint: $$\sum_i x_{its} \geq 1 \quad \forall t, s$$ My idea would be to add this constraint to the masterproblem, which yields the following constraint: $$\sum_i \sum_r \lambda_r x_{its}^r \geq 1 \quad \forall t, s$$ How would i need to modify my subproblem objective function to additionally cope for this?